Tentative Weekly Schedule
Fall 2015
Week 1
- Section 1.2 Compound Statements.
Week 2
- Section 1.3 Implications.
Week 3
- Section 1.4 Contrapositive and Converse.
- Section 2.1 Sets and Subsets.
Week 4
- Section 2.1 Sets and Subsets. (continued)
- Section 2.2 Combining Sets.
Week 5
- Section 2.2 Combining Sets. (continued)
- Section 2.3 Collections of Sets.
Week 6
- Section 3.1 Functions: Definition and Basic Properties.
Week 7
- Section 3.1 Functions: Definition and Basic Properties.(continued)
- Section 3.2 Surjective and Injective Functions.
Week 8
- Section 3.2 Surjective and Injective Functions.(continued)
- Section 3.3 Composition and Invertible Functions.
Week 9
- Section 5.1 The Integers: Axioms and Basic Properties.
Week 10
- Section 5.3 The Division Algorithm and Greatest Common Divisors.
Week 11
- Section 5.4 Primes and Unique Factorization.
- Section 4.1 Binary Operations.
Week 12
- Section 4.1 Binary Operations (continued)
- Section 4.2 Equivalence Relations.
Week 13
- Section 4.2 Equivalence Relations (continued)
Week 14
- Section 4.2 Equivalence Relations (continued)
- Section 5.5. Congruences.
If time permits:
- Section 6.1 Countable Sets. (optional)
- Section 6.2 Uncountable Sets. (optional)