Class Announcements
Math 220 Sections 901,902&904
Spring 2015
Thursday 04/30
- Quiz 9 point split: problem 1 - 10%, problem 2 - 90% (18% each item).
Homework 12 due at the beginning of final exam.
- Click here for the Final Exam Information.
- Term paper submission is extended by Monday noon.
- Office hours next week on Wednesday (as usual).
- Click here to complete Course Evaluations.
Tuesday 04/28
- Homework 11 due today.
Final paper due Thursday 04/30/15 at the beginning of class: Both edited drafts, paper outline and final paper should be submitted in a two-pocket folder
- Note: an electronic version should be submitted via e-campus to Turnitin by Tuesday, 04/05, noon.
Tuesday 04/21
- Homework 10 due today.
- Homework 11 posted.
- Section 5.5 Lecture Notes posted.
Thursday 04/09
- Reminder: Exam 2 is scheduled on Tuesday, April 14 during the regular class time. Exam 2 will cover Section 3.1-3.3 and 5.1-5.4. Click here, here and here for Exam 2 practice tests.
- Quiz 7 point split: problem 1 - 80%, problem 2 - 20%.
- Quiz 8 point split: each problem 1 - 10%.
- Extra Office Hours on Monday 10am-noon.
- Upcoming assignments schedule:
- Homework 10 due Tuesday 04/21
- Homework 11 due Tuesday 04/28
- Quiz 9 on Thursday 04/23
- Quiz 10 on Thursday 04/30
- Final copy of Term paper due Thursday 04/30
- Submit your final version of term paper to Ecampus(Turnitin) by Friday 05/01.
Thursday 04/02
- Homework 8 and corrections due today.
- Exam 2 is scheduled on Tuesday, April 14 during the regular class time.
- Exam 2 will cover Section 3.1-3.3 and 5.1-5.4. Click here, here and here for Exam 2 practice tests.
- Quiz 8 over section 5.3 on Tuesday 04/07.
Tuesday 03/31
- Homework 8 and Corrections due Thursday 04/02.
- Quiz 6 point split: problem 1 - 30%, problem 2 - 25%, problem 3 - 20%, problem 4 - 25%.
- Office hours on Wednesday changed for this week only: 10:00am-1:00pm
Thursday 03/26
- Make sure you got a paper for review from your instructor! Note: Corrections due Thursday 04/02.
- Submit the termpaper draft to ECAMPUS!!! No submission, no credit!
- Quiz 7 over Section 5.1 (Tuesday 03/31 ).
- Homework 8 due Thursday 04/02.
Thursday 03/12
- Two typed copies of the term paper draft due Tuesday 03/24 at the beginning of class. Make
sure to attach the Student Editor Worksheet to the top of one of the
drafts (fill in your name and titles).
- Submit the termpaper draft to ECAMPUS by Wednesday 03/25.
- Quiz 6 over Sections 3.2 and 3.3 (Tuesday 03/24 ).
- Homework 7 due Thursday 03/26.
Thursday 03/05
- Quiz 5 point split: problem 1 - 20%, problem 2 - 30%, problem 3 - 20%, problem 4 - 30%.
Thursday 02/26
- Reminder: Exam 1 on Tuesday, March 3:
review notes/quizzes (don't forget DEFINITIONs), review homework, see
old exams. Note: I am not going to provide solution key for old exams.
- Extra Office Hours before the test: Monday 10:30 - 12:30.
- Reminder: Submit Paper Outline to Turnitin (login to Ecampus -> Math 220 course -> Paper Outline Assignment.)
Tuesday 02/24
- Paper Outline due at the beginning of class. Please also submit your file to Turnitin by Thursday.
- Quiz 4 point split:
Thursday 02/05
- Exam 1 is scheduled on Tuesday, March 3 during the regular class time.
- Exam 1 will cover Chapters 1&2 and Section 3.1. Click here, here and here for Exam 1 samples.
Tuesday 02/17
- Quiz 3 point split: problem 1 (30%), problem 2 (20%), problem 3 (50%).
Saturday 02/15
- Term paper directions posted here.
- Paper Outline due Tuesday 02/24.
- Homework 4 due Thursday 02/19.
- Quiz 4 on Tuesday 02/17.
Tuesday 02/10
- Reminder: Paper Proposal due Thursday.
- Make sure your proposal includes your name, section number and title.
- Quiz 2 point split: problem 1 (80%), problem 2 (20%).
Thursday 02/05
- Today is the last day for choosing your term paper topic.
- Paper proposal due Thursday 02/12. Click here for more details. If you decide to submit a handwritten proposal, use a pen for that.
- Quiz 3 over the material the third week will be administrated on Tuesday 02/10.
Monday 02/02
- Chapter 2 Lecture Notes posted.
- Quiz 1 grades posted on ecampus.
- Quiz 1 point split:
100 points
- Office hours on Wednesday changed for this week only: 11:30-12:30 and 2:00-3:15.
Thursday 01/29
- Term paper list of topic and main deadlines posted here.
- Tell me what your term paper topic is by Thursday, 02/05. Topics not on the suggested list must be approved by me.
- Make sure that today in class you've got the handout "Communicating Mathematics'' from your instructor.
- Quiz 2 over the material the second week will be administrated on Tuesday 02/03.
Tuesday 01/27
- Regular Office hours: Wednesday 10:15am-Noon & 2:00pm-3:15pm (no appointment needed); Additional office hours can be arranged by appointment.
- Help Sessions: Sunday & Wednesday, 6pm-8pm, Room Blocker 161.
Tuesday 01/20
- Quiz 1 over the material the first week will be administrated on Tuesday 01/27.