Publications and Presentations by
Philip B. Yasskin 2023
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Blocker 620 I
Publications and Writings
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Publications in Refereed Journals
"Solutions for Gravity Coupled to Massless Gauge Fields,"
Physical Review D, 12 2212-2217 (1975).
"On the Determination of Cauchy Surfaces from Intrinsic Properties,"
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 61, 87-95 (1978) (with R. Budic, J. Isenberg, and L. Lindblom).
"Non-Self-Dual Gauge Fields,"
Physics Letters, 78B, No 2, 462-464 (1978) (with P. Green and J. Isenberg).
"Birkhoff Theorem for an $R + R^2$ Theory of Gravity with Torsion,"
Physical Review D, 19, 2264-2267 (1979) (with S. Ramaswamy).
"Can a Macroscopic Gyroscope Feel Torsion?,"
General Relativity and Gravitation, 11, 427-431 (1979) (with W. Stoeger).
"Propagation Equations for Test Bodies with Spin and Rotation in Theories of Gravity with Torsion,"
Physical Review D, 21, 2081-2094 (1980) (with W. Stoeger).
"Two Kinds of Rotation: An Argument for Torsion,"
General Relativity and Gravitation, 13, 463-471 (1981).
"Non-Self-Dual Nonlinear Gravitons,"
General Relativity and Gravitation, 14, No. 7, 621-627 (1982) (with J. Isenberg).
"All Torsion-Free Spherical Vacuum Solutions of the Quadratic Poincare Gauge Theory of Gravity,"
General Relativity and Gravitation, 16, 1135-1155 (1984) (with P. Baekler).
"The Well-Posedness of (N =1) Classical Supergravity,"
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 26, 329-333 (1985) (with D. Bao, Y. Choquet-Bruhat, and J. Isenberg).
"The Dynamics of the Einstein-Dirac System I: A Principal Bundle Formulation of the Theory and its Canonical Analysis,"
Annals of Physics, 164, 103-171 (1985) (with D. Bao and J. Isenberg).
"Product Yield for ECAE processing,"
Scripta Materialia, 51 373-377 (2004) (with R. E. Barber, T. Dudo and K. T. Hartwig of TAMU Mech Eng).
"Can we Observe the Torsion of the Connection in the Geometry of the Universe?",
in The Sounds of Science — a Symphony for many Instruments and Voices,
ed. by R. Allen & S. Lidström,
Physica Scripta 95 No.6 062501, 36-37 (2020)
(with G. Alexander, R. E. Allen, A. Atala, W. P. Bowen, A. A. Coley,
J. B. Goodenough, M. I. Katsnelson, E. V. Koonin, M. Krenn, L. S. Madsen,
M. Månsson, N. P. Mauranyapin, A. I. Melvin, E. Rasel, L. E. Reichl,
R. Yampolskiy, A. Zeilinger and S. Lidström)
- Publications Accepted
"Enhancing usability in AR and Non-AR educational technology:
An embodied approach to geometric transformations",
Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2023. Accepted.
(with Samantha D. Aguilar, Heather Burte, Zohreh Shaghaghian,
Jeffery Liew, and Wei Yan)
- Invited Chapters in Books
"Twistor Description of Non-Self-Dual Yang-Mills Fields,"
in Complex Manifold Techniques in Theoretical Physics, ed. by D. Lerner and P. Sommers (Pitman, London, 1979) pp. 180-200, (with J. Isenberg).
"Line Space Construction of Non Self-Dual Yang-Mills Fields,"
in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, ed. by W. Beiglbock, A. Bohm and E. Takasugi (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979) (with J. Isenberg and P. Green).
"Classical Supergravity,"
in Mathematical Aspects of Superspace, ed. by H.-J. Seifert, C.J.S. Clarke and A. Rosenblum (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1984) pp. 173-205 (with J. Isenberg and D. Bao).
"An Ambitwistor Approach for Gravity,"
in Gravity and Geometry. A Volume in Honour of Ivor Robinson,
ed. by W. Rindler and A. Trautman (Bibliopolis, Napolie, Italy, 1986) pp. 487-505.
ISBN: 978-8870881424
"Initial Value Decomposition of the Spacetime Diffeomorphism Group,"
in Mathematics in General Relativity, Contemporary Mathematics #71,
ed. by J. Isenberg (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1988) pp. 311-320.
"Towards an Ambitwistor Description of Gravity,"
in Further Advances in Twistor Theory, Vol III: Curved Twistor Spaces,
ed. by Mason, Hughston, Kobak and Pulverer, (Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2001) pp. 150-158 (with Isenberg).
ISBN: 978-1138430341
"Toilet Paper Math",
in Inspiring Mathematics: Lessons from the Navajo Nation Math Circles,
MSRI Mathematical Circles Library, Volume: 24,
ed. by D. Auckly, B. Klein, A. Serenevy & T. Shubin,
(American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2019) pp. 80-93 (with D. Auckly)
ISBN: 978-1-4704-5387-9
- Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings
"Maplets for Calculus"
in Maple Conference 2005, Proceedings, ed. by I.S. Kotsireas. pp. 510-513, (with D. Meade).
"Maplets For Calculus: Improving Student Skills And Understanding In Calculus,"
in Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (Pearson Education, 2008) (with D. Meade).
- Publications in Unrefereed Journals
"A Web-Based Mathematics Course,"
in Syllabus Magazine, Nov-Dec 1998 (with Allen and Stecher)
"Figuring Web Calculus via Special Browser,"
in Syllabus Magazine, Feb, 2002
- Publications in Conference Proceedings
"Line Space Construction of Non-Self-Dual Yang-Mills Fields,"
in Proceedings of the VII International Colloquium and Integrative Conference on Group Theory and Mathematical Physics,
ed. by W. Beiglbock, A. Bohm, and E. Takasugi (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1979) (with P. Green and J. Isenberg).
"Metric and Connection Theories of Gravity: The Gauge Theories of Spacetime Symmetries,"
in Geometrical and Topological Methods in Gauge Theories, Montreal 1979,
ed. by J.P. Harnad and S. Shnider (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1980).
"Is Supergravity Well-Posed?,"
in Proceedings of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity,
ed. by Hu Ning (North Holland, Amerstdam, 1983) (with J. Isenberg and D. Bao).
"On Classical Supergravity,"
in Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference on Group Theoretical Methods in Mathematical Physics,
ed. by Y.S. Kim (1984) (with J. Isenberg and D. Bao).
"Ambitwistors (and Strings?),"
in Proceedings of the Oregon Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields,
ed. by R. Hwa (World Scientific, 1986), (with J. Isenberg).
Internet Based Drills and Quizzes,"
in Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
New Orleans, Nov 19-22, 1998, Addison-Wesley, 2000 (with Allen, Stecher and Rahe).
"WebCalC I,"
in Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
New Orleans, Nov 19-22, 1998, Addison-Wesley, 2000 (with Allen, Stecher and Rahe).
"Vector Analysis Using Maple,"
in Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
Baltimore, Nov 1-4, 2001, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
"AP Calculus On-Line,"
in Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
Baltimore, Nov 1-4, 2001, Addison-Wesley, 2002
"Product Yield of ECAE Processed Material,"
in Ultrafine Grained Materials III,
ed. by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, R.Z. Valiev, S.L. Semiatin, D.H. Shin, and T.C. Lowe. TMS
(The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2004, (with R. E. Barber, T. Dudo and K. T. Hartwig of TAMU Mech Eng).
- Print Textbooks, Primary Author
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, Concepts and Contexts,
Belmonte and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1998).
Multivariable CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, Fourth Edition,
for Maple V R5, Belmonte and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 1999.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, Second Edtion, Concepts and Contexts,
for Maple V R5, Belmonte and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 2001.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus 5th Edition,
Yasskin, Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Morgan, Rahe, Smith and Stecher, Brooks/Cole - Thomson, Toronto, Ont., 2003
This revision required complete translation from Scientific Notebook to Maple and Latex typesetting.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus 5th Edition ,
Yasskin and Belmonte, Brooks/Cole - Thomson, Toronto, Ont., 2003
This revision incorporated a new version of the VecCalc package.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, 3rd Edition ,
Yasskin, Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Morgan, Rahe, Smith and Stecher, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2005
This revision has revised exercises for 5 chapters, 18 revised projects and 5 new projects.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, 3rd Edition ,
Yasskin and Belmonte, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2005
This revision has 10 revised labs, 10 revised projects and 2 new projects.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus, 6th Edition ,
Yasskin, Rahe, Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Morgan, Smith and Stecher, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2008.
The book was revised for Maple 10 and 11 and has revised exercises and 2 new projects.
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, 6th Edition ,
Yasskin and Belmonte, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2008.
The book was revised for Maple 10 and 11.
CalcLabs with Maple, Single Variable Calculus, 4th Edition ,
Yasskin, Rahe, Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Morgan, Smith and Stecher, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA, 2010.
The book was revised for Maple 12.
CalcLabs with Maple, Multivariable Calculus, 4th Edition ,
Yasskin and Belmonte, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA, 2010.
The book was revised for Maple 12.
- Print Textbooks, Secondary Author
CalcLabs with Maple V,
Boggess, Barrow, Belmonte, Massoud, Morgan, Rahe, Stecher and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1995).
CalcLabs with Mathematica,
Blachman, Williams, Boggess, Barrow, Rahe, Morgan, Yasskin, Stecher, Massoud and Belmonte, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1996).
CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable,
Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Massoud, Morgan, Rahe, Smith, Stecher and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1997).
CalcLabs with Derive for Stewart's Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable,
Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Massoud, Morgan, Rahe, Smith, Stecher and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1997).
CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable,
Barrow, Belmonte, Blachman, Boggess, Massoud, Morgan, Rahe, Smith, Stecher, Williams and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1998).
Single Variable CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus,
for Maple V R5, Boggess, Barrow, Rahe, Morgan, Yasskin, Stecher, Belmonte and Smith, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1999).
Single Variable CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus,
Barrow, Belmonte, Blachman, Boggess, Massoud, Morgan, Rahe, Smith, Stecher, Williams and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1999).
Single Variable CalcLabs with Derive for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus,
Barrow, Belmonte, Boggess, Massoud, Morgan, Rahe, Smith, Stecher and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1999).
Calculus: Early Vectors, Preliminary Edition,
Stewart, Belmonte, Boggess, DeBlassie, Lowe, Morgan, Smith and Yasskin, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA (1999).
- Electronic Textbooks
WebCalc: Calculus 1
A Web-Based First Semester Calculus Course,
Allen, Stecher and Yasskin,
WebMath (1998-2002) (2 chapters on limits and continuity revised 2004).
View with SciNotebook 5.5 at
WebCalc: Calculus 2
A Web-Based Second Semester Calculus Course,
Yasskin, G Kieffer, Allen and Stecher,
WebMath (1999-2002), MYMathApps (2009-2016)
View with SciNotebook 5.5 at
WebCalc: Calculus 3
A Web-Based Third Semester Calculus Course,
MY Math Apps (2009-2016)
View with SciNotebook 5.5 at
MY Math Apps Calculus,
On-Line Calculus Text,
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, A. Crenwelge, G. Keiffer, D. Migl,
J. Martinsen, A. Rao, M. Weihing, C. Van Huyck) 2014-present 2023.
Sample at
"MY Math Apps Calculus - Sample",
with help from
M. Atanas, D. Banerjee, B. Bordovsky, J. Bufton, M. Cahill,
L. Collins, E. Corpus, K. Davis, D. DeHaven, F. Doe, A. Dongol,
W. Frendreiss, A. Green, L. Hoffman, C. Johnson, T. Johnson, L. Knudsen,
T. Lamb, B. Lin, W. L. Lowery, M. Milanowski, P. Miracle, S. Mahato, S. Mohon,
V. Musser, N. Parish, T. Partin, N. Pochareddy, S. Saravanan, Parth Sarin,
C. Scrudder, Jacob Schmidt, E. Sharma, D. Shatalov, A. Shung, L. Solitare,
M. Sprintson, P. Tranbarger, B. Wang, S. Whitman, B. Yan & S. Yang.
- Software Packages
CalcLab Software:
Interactive Mathematical Demos, Drills and Labs,
Pedagogical CGI scripts using Maple to ask students questions and check their answers.
1996-1998, with Herrmann, Strader and Garth Mayville of Waterloo Maple
Superceded by WebQuiz and then Maplets for Calculus
Web-Based Interactive Quizzes for Precalculus and Calculus,
WebMath (1999-2001).
View with SciNotebook at :
vec_calc and VecCalc,
(with A. Belmonte), A Vector Calculus Package for Maple, 1995-2003.
vec_calc Ver. 3, Maple V Release 3, released July, 1996.
vec_calc Ver. 4.3. Maple V Releases 4, 5 and 5.1, released Aug, 1997.
vec_calc Ver. 6, Maple 6, released Aug 2001.
vec_calc Ver. 7. Maple 7, 8 and 9, released Aug 2001.
VecCalc Ver. 8. Maple 7 - 15, released July 2003.
Accompanies the books CalcLabs with Maple, Multivariable Calculus.
Maplets for Calculus, (with D. Meade),
A collection of 201 Maple bases Applets to help Students Learn Calculus
and Other Math Courses, 2002 - 2017.
Includes 51 on precalculus, 5 on complex numbers, 21 on limits and
continuity, 40 on differential calculus, 38 on integral calculus,
7 on sequences and series, 26 on multivariable calculus,
8 on differential equations.
Incorporating Rating and Grading features.
Ver. 1.0, 37 maplets, released July 1, 2005.
Ver. 1.1. 40 maplets, released Oct 30, 2005.
Ver. 1.2, 94 maplets, released Jan 2008.
Ver. 1.3, 129 maplets, released July 2010.
Ver. 1.3.1, 149 maplets, limited release at TAMU and U. South Carolina 2012.
Ver. 1.4, 201 maplets, limited release at TAMU and U. South Carolina 2017.
Free for TAMU and U. South Carolina students. For sale at
Copies sold: 1261 individual copies, 6 site licenses for 1034 students.
Used in 44 countries on 6 continents.
Maplets for WebALT Calculus, (with D. Meade),
5 Maple Applets for Teaching Calculus in 9 European languages, Jan 2007.
MYMathApps Lessons,
(with D. Meade, L. Collins, M. Barry, M. Weihing & C. Van Huyck) 2012-present 2023.
Converting the Maplets for Calculus from Maple and Java to Sage, HTML5,
JavaScript, MathLex and Threejs.
TAMU Math Circle Apps, (with C. Van Huyck) 2020-present 2023.
Creating a collection of Online Activities for use by Math Circles.
- Publications in Lecture Notes
"Fibre Bundles in Relativity and Particle Physics," Lecture Notes for Physics 879 - Spring 1978,'' Univeristy of Maryland Technical Report #79-063,
Invited Colloquium Talks
"Introduction to Twistors,"
Visiting Distinguished Lecturer - University of Texas at Dallas, February-March 1981.
Funding source: UT Dallas
"Doing Proofs using Maple,"
Trinity Univ, San Antonio, TX, March 2000.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Trinity
"Teaching with Maplets and Writing Them,"
Trinity Univ, San Antonio, TX, Nov 4, 2004.
Funding source: Trinity University
"New Computer Technology To Assist Teaching Calculus,"
Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel, Aug 19, 2009.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"New Computer Technology To Assist Teaching Calculus,"
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, Aug 20, 2009.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Enrichment for Middle School Teachers: The use of Technology,"
Univ of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Nov 2, 2010.
Funding source: Univ of South Carolina.
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
Villanova Univ, Villanova PA, Nov 9, 2010.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"MY Math Apps Calculus: Past, Present and Future",
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, March 15, 2019
(with D. Meade)
Funding source: University of South Carolina and Arizona State University.
Invited Seminar Talks
"Half-Field Equations,"
Univ. of Texas at Dallas, March 21, 1986
"Splitting a Partial Differential Equation in Half,"
Univ. of Houston, April 9, 1986
"Teaching Calculus with Maple and Scientific Notebook,"
Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Feb 1998
Funding source: UT Dallas
"Teaching Calculus using Maple and Scientific Notebook,"
Villanova Univ., April 1998
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept, Villanova
"Interactive Mathematical Drills on the Web,"
Waterloo Maple Inc., Waterloo Canada, July 1996
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
Invited Conference Workshops
"Teaching with Maple,"
8 Hr Workshop, Tomball College, Tomball TX, June 18, 1999.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc.
"Introduction to Maple,"
8 Hr Workshop, Mariott Hotel, Houston TX, Dec 11, 1999.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc.
"Teaching Calculus with a Web-Based Text,"
2 Hr Minicourse,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
12th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov 4-7, 1999 (with Allen and Stecher).
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Col of Science, Math Dept
"Publishing with Maple,"
2 Hr Panel Discussion, Co-organizer,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
13th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, Nov 16-19, 2000 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Writing and Teaching with Maplets,"
1 hr 45 min, Mini-Course,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
17th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct 28-31, 2004 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Computer Algebra in Calculus - A Selection of Different Approaches,"
1 hr 45 min, Mini-Symposium, Co-organizer,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
17th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct 28-31, 2004 (with D. Meade).
Speakers: Polking, Schwarz, Veiling, Meade, Yasskin.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Introduction to Maple 12,"
13th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 15-16, 2008 (with D. Meade).
Part I: Getting Started. (90 min workshop)
Part II: The GUI. (90 min workshop)
Part III: Maplets for Calculus and Other Educational Resources (90 min workshop)
Note: These 3 workshops were delivered consecutively completely via the Internet. Skype was used for 2-way voice communication and Centra for interactive computer desktop sharing. The audience was in Bangkok, Thailand from noon to 5:30 PM, while the speakers were at their respective homes, Yasskin in College Station 11 PM to 4:30 AM and Meade in Columbia midnight to 5:30 AM.
Funding source: None necessary except for Texas A&M providing the license for Centra software.
"Maplets for Calculus: Tutoring without the Tutor,"
Computer Minicourse,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
21st Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 12-15, 2009 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Getting Started with Maple and Maplets for Calculus,"
Workshop, Co-organizer,
14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, Dec 2009 (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Maplets for Calculus (2008 ICTCM Award winner),"
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-organizer,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
22nd Annual Conference, Chicago IL, March 11-14, 2010 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Creating Customized Graphical User Interfaces in Maple,"
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-organizer,
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
23rd Annual Conference, Denver, CO, March 17-20, 2011 (presented by D. Meade).
"Map Coloring,"
Circle on the Road and Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival, University of Houston, Houston, TX, March 18-20, 2011.
Funding source: MSRI, National Association of Math Circles.
"MathLex: A Tool for Developing Web Resources with Free-Response Mathematics",
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-presenter with D. Meade and M. Barry,
25th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 25),
Boston, Ma, March 21-23, 2013
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Computer Minicourse: Creating Maple Apps for the Mobius Project",
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-presenter with D. Meade,
26th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 26),
San Antonio, TX, March 20 - 23, 2014
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Minicourse: 3D Printing with Maple 18",
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-presenter with D. Meade,
27th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 27),
Las Vegas, NV, March 12 - 15, 2015
Program p. 13
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Minicourse: 3D Printing with Maple 2015",
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-presenter with D. Meade and S. Dunn,
28th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 28),
Atlanta, GA, March 10 - 13, 2016
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Minicourse: Maplets for Calculus in the Mathematics Classroom",
2 Hour Minicourse, Co-presenter with D. Meade,
28th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 28),
Atlanta, GA, March 12, 2016
Funding source: NSF Grant.
3 Sessions: "Polygon Differencing", "Eleusis", and "Cell Phone / King Arthur"
Tulsa Math Teachers' Circle, Summer Immersion Program
Tulsa, OK, June 5-9, 2016
Funding source: Department of Mathematics, The University of Tulsa.
Five 1-hour Sessions: "Polygon Differencing Games"
MathPath, Advanced Summer Program for Middle School Students
Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, June 25 - July 1, 2017
Funding source: MathPath.
Five 1-hour Sessions: "Subcollection Sum Divisibility Theorems"
MathPath, Advanced Summer Program for Middle School Students
Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, June 25 - July 1, 2017
Funding source: MathPath.
Twenty 3-hour Sessions: "Mathematics and Games", with T. Alper
Summer Couurse at #2 High School of East China Normal University
Shanghai, China, July 3-17, 2017
Funding source: East China Normal University.
3 hour Session: "Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival", with T. Alper
#2 High School of East China Normal University
Shanghai, China, July 15, 2017
Funding source: East China Normal University.
Five 1-hour Sessions: "Euclidean Motions"
MathPath, Advanced Summer Program for Middle School Students
Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR, July 16 - July 20, 2018
Funding source: MathPath.
Five 1-hour Sessions: "Subcollection Sum Divisibility Theorems"
MathPath, Advanced Summer Program for Middle School Students
Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR, July 16 - July 20, 2018
Funding source: MathPath.
Five 1-hour Sessions: "Polygon Differencing Games"
MathPath, Advanced Summer Program for Middle School Students
Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR, July 23 - July 27, 2018
Funding source: MathPath.
Five 1-hour Sessions: "Special Relativity"
MathPath, Advanced Summer Program for Middle School Students
Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR, July 23 - July 27, 2018
Funding source: MathPath.
2 hour session: "MY Math Apps Calculus",
31st International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics
Scottsdale, AZ, March 13 - July 16, 2019
(with D. Meade)
Funding source: University of South Carolina.
Invited Conference Talks
"The Yang-Mills σ-Model System: Geometry and Half-Field Equations,"
Sixteenth Annual University of Southwest Louisiana Mathematics Conference, Oct. 25-27, 1985
"Spacetime Diffeomorphism Group as a Doubly Semi-Direct Product,"
AMS Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences: Mathematics in General Relativity, Univ. of Calif. at Santa Cruz, June 22-28, 1986
"Neighborhoods of Holomorphic Embeddings,"
AMS Meeting #829, Charlotte N.C., Oct. 17-18, 1986, Special Session on Twistor Theory and Four Dimensional Geometry.
"The Spacetime Diffeormophism Group as a Doubly Semi-Direct Product,"
XV International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Drexel Univ., Phila. PA, Oct. 20-24, 1986. Also Chairman of Parallel Session
Durham Symposium on: Spinors, Twistors and Complex Structures in General Relativity, sponsored by the London Mathematical Society and SERC, Durham Univ, July 5-15, 1988
"The Diffeomorphiam Group as a Partial Indirect Product,"
Second Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Dec. 1-3, 1989.
"Texas A&M Maple Project,"
Invited Hour Talk,
Interactive Mathematical Texts Project, Developers' Conference, Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC, Aug 1993 (with J. Morgan).
Funding source: IBM, NSF and MAA
"Teaching with Maplets, and Writing Them,"
Texas Community College Teachers Association, 1hr, 15 min, Austin, TX, Feb 21,22, 2003.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Extrusion of Grained Materials,"
Maple Summer Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario Canada, July 11-14, 2004 (with R. E. Barber, T. Dudo and K. T. Hartwig).
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Math on The Web: Maplets for Calculus,"
Invited 30 min demo on Display Floor,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Antonio, Jan 12-15, 2006 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets for Calculus,"
Maple Conference 2006, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 23-26, 2006, (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Texas A&M Enrichment for Middle School Students,"
MAA MathFest Special Session: Attracting And Retaining Students to Mathematics Programs via Outreach, Knoxville, TN, Aug 11, 2006.
Funding source: Math Dept, NSF-GK12
"High-Level Programming Tools for Interactive Teaching and Learning Mathematics -- Maplets and Embedded Components,"
Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, Aug 15-18, 2006 (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"WebALT Maplets for Calculus - Including Proofs,"
Berlin, Germany, Online Educa, Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2006 (with D. Meade and M. Seppala).
Funding source: Math Dept, WebALT
"SEE-Math - Summer Educational Enrichment Program at Texas A&M for Middle School Students,"
Invited 15 min talk,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Special Session on Math Circles and Similar Programs for Students and Teachers, San Antonio, Jan 5, 2007.
Funding source: Math Dept
"Multilingual Maplets for WebALT Calculus,"
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Session on Mathlets for Teaching and Learning Mathematics, New Orleans, Jan 2007 (with D. Meade and M. Seppala).
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets for Calculus - Now with Proofs,"
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Session on Mathlets for Teaching and Learning Mathematics, New Orleans, Jan 2007 (with D. Meade and M. Seppala).
Funding source: Math Dept
"Math on the Web: Maplets for Calculus,"
Invited 30 min demo on Display Floor,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, Jan 2007 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets for Calculus and WebALT Partner on Applets,"
Invited 30 min talk,
e+Calculus JEM Workshop 1, Lisbon, Portugal, Feb 10, 2007.
Funding source: WebALT
"Maplets for Calculus,"
16th Biennial Conference of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, Messiah College, Grantham, PA, Jun 2007 (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Technology in AP Calculus,"
Advanced Placement Annual Conference 2007, Las Vegas, Jul 2007 (with D. Meade).
Speakers: Yasskin (TAMU), Meade (S Carolina), Dorothy Wallace (Dartmouth), Raymond Ravaglia (Stanford)
Funding source: Math Dept
"Teaching Calculus with Maple: Embedded Components, and Maplets,"
5th Int'l Conf on the Computer-Assisted Teaching of Mathematics, Cartago, Costa Rica, Dec 2007 (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Teaching Calculus with Maple: Embedded Components, and Maplets,"
6th Colombian Calculus Meeting / 1st Iberoamerican Calculus Meeting, Bogota, Colombia, Dec 2007 (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Maplets for Calculus - Tutoring without the Tutor,"
MAA MathFest Session on Creative Uses of Emerging Technologies for Mathematics Teaching, Madison, WI, July 30-Aug 2, 2008 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Effective Teaching with Web-Based Resources,"
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, Jan 5-8, 2009 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Computer-Based Supplemental Instruction, Panel Discussion,"
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
21st Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 12-15, 2009 (with D. Meade).
Panelists: Yasskin, Robert Lopez, Frank Wattenberg, Mike May, Gabriel Lugo, Lyle Cochran, Debra Geddings
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus - Developing Intuition in a Computer Lab,"
Special Session, MathFest 2009, Portland OR, Aug 6-8, 2009.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Map Coloring for Middle Schoolers,"
SIGMAA Math Circles for Students and Teachers, Special Session, MathFest 2009, Portland OR, Aug 6-8, 2009.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Electronic Study Guide -- Maplets for Calculus,"
MAA Invited Paper Session on Online Delivery of Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Jan 13-16, 2010 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Platonic Solids using Polydrons,"
Summer Immersion Workshop 2010, Mathematics Teachers' Circle of Austin, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, Aug 11, 2010.
Funding source: UT Austin, Dept of Math.
"Euler Characteristic using Polydrons,"
Summer Immersion Workshop 2010, Mathematics Teachers' Circle of Austin, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, Aug 12, 2010.
Funding source: UT Austin, Dept of Math.
"Maplets for Calculus: Effective Teaching and Studying Resources for Calculus Students,"
MAA Session on Online Delivery of Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jan 6-9, 2011 (with D. Meade).
"Texas A&M Summer Educational Enrichment (SEE-Math) for Middle School Students: Organization and Technology,"
MAA Session on Fostering, Supporting, and Propagating Math Circles for Students and Teachers, Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jan 6-9, 2011.
"Facilitating Student Mathematical Input on Mobile Devices",
AMS Spring Central Section Meeting,
Special Session on University Mathematics Education in an Online World, II
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Mar 30 - Apr 1, 2012.
Abstract 1081-97-333,
(with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"On the Role of Assessment in the Design of Online Resources for Learning Mathematics",
AMS Spring Central Section Meeting,
Special Session on University Mathematics Education in an Online World, II
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Mar 30 - Apr 1, 2012.
Abstract 1081-97-382,
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"On-Line Calculus & Pre-Calculus resources at Texas A&M Univ",
AP-Calculus Workshop,
Dept of Math, TAMU, July 30, 2012.
Funding source: NA
"MathLex: A Tool for Presenting and Doing Mathematics on the Web",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meeting
AMS Special Session on The Present and Future of Mathematics on the Web,
San Diego, CA, Jan 12, 2013
Abstract 1086-00-2878,
(with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus 1.4 expands offerings in Precalculus, Calculus and Differential Equations",
26th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 26),
San Antonio, TX, March 20 - 23, 2014
(with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus: A Model for Multi-Use Mathematical Software",
Technology and its Integration in Mathematics Education,
Krems, Austria, July 1-5, 2014
(presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Math Circle Demonstration",
MAA MathFest, Sponsored by SIGMAA-MCST
Portland OR, August 6-9, 2014
(Organizers: Yasskin, Paul Zeitz, Japheth Wood, Craig Daniels).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"MAA Panel Discussion: Problems Well-Suited for Math Circles",
MAA MathFest, Sponsored by SIGMAA-MCST
Portland OR, August 6-9, 2014
(Organizers: Tatiana Shubin, Yasskin (Moderator) and Paul Zeitz).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Integrating Engineering Concepts in Math Circle Activities",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
Themed Contributed Paper Session on "What Makes a Successful Math Circle: Organization and Problems"
San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015
Abstract 1106-s5-2623.
(with A. Sprintson, F. Sottile, K. Phillipson and T. Olsen)
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"The Cell Phone Dropping Problem",
MAA MathFest,
Themed Contributed Paper Session on "Math Circle Problems in Honor of the MAA's 100th Anniversary", Sponsored by SIGMAA-MCST
Washington DC, August 5-8, 2015
Abstract p. 191.
(with J. Wood).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Goblet Design in Calculus II",
MAA MathFest,
Themed Contributed Paper Session on "What Can a Mathematician Do with a 3D Printer?"
Washington DC, August 5-8, 2015
Abstract p. 90.
(with S. Dunn and D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"MYMathApps: Calculus & Maplets for Calculus",
Reimagining Calculus Education Conference, Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken NJ, October 28, 2016
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"US Map Coloring",
Circle on the Road, Courant Institute, New York University
New York, NY, October 28-30, 2016
Funding source: Circle on the Road and NSF Grant.
"MYMathApps Calculus and Edfinity",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
Edfinity Booth
Denver, CO, January 16-17, 2020
"Maple at TAMU SEE-Math",
Maple Ambassadors Conference,
Online Video and Questions via Zoom, Nov 6, 2020
"Toilet Paper Folding",
International Math Buffet: 24 hours of math puzzles, stories and art!
Sponsored by the Juila Robinson Math Festival
Online Video via Zoom, March 11, 2021
"The TAMU Math Circle Apps Website",
Math Circle Apps
MAA MathFest,
Invited Paper Session on "Games in Math Circles"
(with C. Van Huyck and J Goldstein)
Sponsored by the SIGMAA on Math Circles for Students and Teachers
Online via Zoom, Aug 6, 2021
"MYMathApps Calculus",
Maple Conference, 2021 - Maple in Mathematics Education and Research,
Online Video and Questions via Zoom, Nov 2-5, 2021
Conference Link:
Video Link:
Contributed Conference Talks
"Static, Spherically Symmetric Solutions for Gravity and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Scalar Fields,"
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 21, 37 (1976)
"Fibre Bundle Higgs Mechanism,"
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 22, 639 (1977)
"On the Determination of Cauchy Surfaces from Intrinsic Properties,"
8th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, University of Waterloo, Aug. 7-12, 1977,
Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p 97 (with R. Budic, J. Isenberg, and L. Lindblom).
"Non-Self-Dual Gauge Fields,"
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 23, 618 (1978) (with P. Green and J. Isenberg).
"Macroscopic Gyroscopes Cannot Detect Torsion,"
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 24, 588 (1979) (with W. Stoeger).
"Metric-Connection Theories,"
Ettore Majorana International School of Cosomology and Gravitation, 6th course: Spin, Torsion, Rotation and Supergravity, May 6-18, 1979.
"The Effect of Torsion on the Propagation of Spin vs. Orbital Angular Momentum,"
Working Seminar on Current Problems in General Relativity, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2-6 July 1979.
"Birkhoff Theorems for Metric and Torsion Theories,"
9th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Jena GDR, July 14-19, 1980.
"From Twistors to Ambitwistors: From Self-Dual to Non-Self-Dual Fields,"
9th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Jena DGR, July 14-19, 1980.
"Le Equazioni di Propagasione per Corpi di Test con Spin e Rotazione nelle Teorie di Gravita con Torsione,"
4th Convegno Nazionale di Relativita Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, 23-26 Settembre 1980
"Non-Self-Dual Nonlinear Gravitons: The Conformal Structure"
Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 2, 457 (1981) (with J. Isenberg).
"Non-Self-Dual Nonlinear Gravitons: The Conformal Factor,"
Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 2, 457-458 (1981) (with J. Isenberg).
"Well-Posedness and Linearization Stability of the Einstein-Dirac Theory (A Warmup for Supergravity),"
10th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Padova, Italy, July 3-9, 1983 (with J. Isenberg and D. Bao)
"Twistor Construction of Gravitational Fields,"
VIIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Aug. 1-10, 1983 (with J. Isenberg).
"Einstein-Dirac Dynamics: Fields and Symmetries on a Principal Bundle,"
Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 4, 445 (1983) (with D. Bao and J. Isenberg).
"Bidual Spaces and the Analysis of Yang-Mills and Gravitational Fields,"
Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 5, 310 (1984) (with J. Isenberg).
"Introduction to Ambitwistors,"
American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields Meeting, University of Oregon, Eugene, Aug. 12-15, 1985.
"Twistor Techniques for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations,"
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Fall Meeting, Arizona State University, Tempe, Oct. 28-30, 1985, Final Program p. A27.
"Spacetime Diffeomorphism Group as a Doubly Semi-Direct Product,"
Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 7, 399 (1986).
"Neighborhoods of Holomorphic Embeddings,"
Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 7, 337 (1986).
"The Spacetime Diffeomorphism Group as a Doubly Semi-Direct Product,"
XV International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Drexel U., Phila., PA. Oct. 20-24, 1986
"Group Projects using Maple in Calculus,"
20 minute talk,
Conference on Maple V and Theorist, Stockton, CA, Aug 1995.
"Teaching Calculus with Maple,"
Mini Course: two 1 hour talks,
South-Central Regional Texas A&M, Waterloo Maple Conference '95, Sept 1995.
"Calculus Using Maple and Scientific Notebook,"
Spring Eastern Section Meeting Special Session on "Mathematical Pedagogy" organized by Orin Chein,
AMS Abstract # 933-98-149, Philadelphia, April 3-10, 1998
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Teaching Calculus using Maple and Scientific Notebook,"
Gulf Coast Consortium, 1998 Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics for the 21st Century, Houston, June 19-20, 1998
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Math Drills on the Internet,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
45th Annual Conference, San Antonio, July 22-24, 1998
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Internet Based Drills and Quizzes,"
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
11th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Nov 19-22, 1998
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Col of Science, Math Dept
"Animations Using Maple"
2 Hr Talk,
1999 Maple V - Release 5 Workshop, Texas A&M, June 11, 1999
"Math Drills and Quizzes on the Internet,"
Joint AMS/MAA Mathematics Meeting,
MAA Session on Innovative Use of Distance Learning Techniques to Teach Post-Secondary Mathematics,
AMS Abstract # 939-L1-670, San Antonio, Jan 13-16, 1999 (with Stecher, Allen and Rahe)
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Col of Science, Math Dept
"Web Calculus: On-Line Text, Tutorials and Quizzes,"
1 Hr lecture,
Barrett Lectures, Univ. of Tennesee, Knoxville, June 1-5, 1999
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Col of Science, Math Dept
"A Web Based Calculus Course,"
Joint AMS/MAA Mathematics Meeting,
MAA Session on Innovative Use of Distance Learning Techniques to Teach Post-Secondary Mathematics,
AMS Abstract # 939-L1-357, San Antonio, Jan 13-16, 1999 (with Allen, Rahe and Stecher)
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Col of Science, Math Dept
"WebMath Status Report,"
Joint AMS/MAA Mathematics Meeting,
MAA Session on Innovative Use of WWW to Teach Mathematics,
Washington, DC, Jan 19-20, 2000 (with Allen, and Stecher)
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Col of Science, Math Dept
"WebMath: Teaching with a Web-Based Text,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
47th Annual Conference, Houston, July 27-29, 2000
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Make Your Own Movie with Maple,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
47th Annual Conference, Houston, July 27-29, 2000
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Why Are You Learning Maple?"
45 Min Talk,
AggieInfoTech 2000, Conference on Telecommunications and Information Technologies, College Station, Sept 14, 2000
"AB and BC Calculus On-Line,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
48th Annual Conference, San Antonio, July 19-21, 2001
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Make Your Own Movie with Maple,"
1 hr Computer Lab,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
48th Annual Conference, San Antonio, July 19-21, 2001
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Vector Analysis Using Maple,"
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
14th Annual Conference, Baltimore, Nov 1-4, 2001
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"AP Calculus On-Line,"
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
14th Annual Conference, Baltimore, Nov 1-4, 2001
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Calculus AB and BC on the Web,"
Syllabus Fall 2001 Conference, Boston, Nov 29-30, 2001
Funding source: Math Dept
"AB and BC Calculus On-Line,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
49th Annual Conference, Dallas, July 8-10, 2002.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"What Do I Do With Polydrons? Platonic Solids, Euler Numbers,"
2 hr Workshop,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
49th Annual Conference, Dallas, July 8-10, 2002.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Vector Calculus PowerTool,"
Maple Summer Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario Canada, July 28-30, 2002.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Publishing with Maple and Latex,"
Maple Summer Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario Canada, July 28-30, 2002.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Writing Exams and Quizzes with Scientific Notebook,"
45 min, Presentation,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
50th Annual Conference, Houston, July 16-19, 2003.
Funding source: Math Dept
"What Do I Do With Polydrons? Platonic Solids, Euler Numbers,"
2 hr 45 min, Workshop,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
50th Annual Conference, Houston, July 16-19, 2003.
Funding source: Math Dept
"Some Pedagogical Maplets for Calculus,"
Maple Summer Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario Canada, July 11-14, 2004.
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"TAMU Online Masters: Modern Geometry with Discussion Groups,"
45 min, Presentation,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
51st Annual Conference, San Antonio, July 15-17, 2004.
Funding source: Math Dept
"What Do I Do With Polydrons? Platonic Solids, Euler Numbers,"
1 hr 45 min, Activity,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
51st Annual Conference, San Antonio, July 15-17, 2004.
Funding source: Math Dept
"Tutors 4 Pre-Calculus and Calculus using Online Maplets,"
1 hr, Presentation,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
52nd Annual Conference, Dallas, July 11-13, 2005.
Funding source: Math Dept
"What Do I Do With Polydrons? Platonic Solids, Euler Numbers,"
1 hr 30 min, Activity,
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
52nd Annual Conference, Dallas, July 11-13, 2005.
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets for Calculus,"
30 min Contributed Session and Poster Session,
Maple Summer Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario Canada, July 17-20, 2005 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Waterloo Maple Inc., Math Dept
"Texas A&M's Summer Educational Enrichment Program for Middle School Students,"
20 min contributed paper,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Antonio, Jan 12-15, 2006.
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets for Calculus,"
20 min contributed paper,
Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Antonio, Jan 12-15, 2006 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets (Maple Applets) for Calculus,"
45 min talk,
Teaching with Technology Conference, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX, Feb 15, 2006.
Funding source: NA
"Maplets for Calculus,"
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
18th Annual Conference, Orlando FL, March 16-19, 2006.
Funding source: Math Dept
"Maplets for Calculus,"
Maple Conference 2006, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 23-26, 2006 (presented by D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Maplets for Calculus,"
MAA MathFest Contributed Paper Session: Research into Practice: The Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics, Knoxville, TN, Aug 12, 2006 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept
"Math on the Web: Maplets for Calculus,"
Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, Jan 2008 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Teaching and Learning Calculus Using Maplets for Calculus,"
Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, Jan 2008 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Maplets for Calculus - Intuition, Computation, Drill and Simple Proofs,"
Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, Jan 2008 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Maplets For Calculus: Improving Student Skills And Understanding In Calculus,"
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM),
20th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 6-9, 2008 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Maplets for Calculus - Maple Applets for AB and BC Calculus,"
Conference for the Advancement of Math Teaching (CAMT),
55th Annual Conference, Dallas TX, July 9-11, 2008 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"SEE-Math - Summer Educational Enrichment at Texas A&M for Middle School Students,"
Conference for the Advancement of Math Teaching (CAMT),
55th Annual Conference, Dallas TX, July 9-11, 2008 (with D. Manuel).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle: Formation and Activities,"
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, Jan 5-8, 2009.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Web-Based Resources for AP Calculus,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
56th Annual Conference, Houston, TX, July 15-17, 2009 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle: Formation and Activities,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
56th Annual Conference, Houston, TX, July 15-17, 2009
(with Becky Burghardt, Caroline Jones, Mary Selcer, Jamie Bassett, Carol Tatum, David Manuel, Mila Mogilevsky).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus as an Electronic Study Guide,"
14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, Dec 2009 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NA
"Electronic Study Guide for Precalculus and Calculus,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
57th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 15, 2010 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Enrichment Activities For Middle School Students,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
57th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 15, 2010 (with D. Manuel and K. Bollinger).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Electronic Study Guide for Precalculus and Calculus,"
Active Learning Intervention Strategies Accompanying Introductory Mathematics Courses, MathFest 2010, Pittsburgh PA, Aug 5-7, 2010.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Texas A&M Summer Educational Enrichment (SEE-Math) for Middle School Students: The Use of Technology,"
Recreational Mathematics: New Problems and New Solutions, MathFest 2010, Pittsburgh PA, Aug 5-7, 2010.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Electronic Study Guide for Precalculus and Calculus,"
45 min talk,
Teaching with Technology Conference, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX, Feb 10, 2011 (with M. Barry and D. Meade).
"Maplets for Calculus: A CAS-Enabled Study Guide for Calculus,"
17th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA-2011),
Session: Computer Algebra in Education, Houston, TX, June 27-30, 2011, (with M. Barry and D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Electronic Study Guide for AP Calculus,"
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT),
58th Annual Conference, Session: Differentiated Instruction, Grapevine, TX, July 18-20, 2011 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Student Programming Projects to Create Pedagogically Effective Calculus Applets,"
MathFest 2011, Lexington, KY, Aug 4-6, 2011.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus: Effective Resource for Teaching and Studying Calculus",
The 16th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2011),
Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey, Sep 19-23, 2011.
(presented by D. Meade),
Funding source: NA
"Building Intuition and Computational Skills with Maplets for Calculus",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA General Contributed Paper Session: Mathematics and Technology, I,
Boston, MA, Jan 4-7, 2012
Abstract 1077-VI-1127,
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Improving Pedagogy Through Adaptive Problem Selection in Online Tutors",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Session on Trends in Teaching Mathematics Online, II,
Boston, MA, Jan 4-7, 2012
Abstract 1077-O5-1158,
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Facilitating Student Mathematical Input on Mobile Devices",
MAA MathFest,
General Contributed Paper Session: Mathematics and Technology
Madison, WI, Aug 2-4, 2012
Abstract p. 46,
(with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"On the Role of Assessment in the Design of Online Resources for Learning Mathematics",
MAA MathFest
General Contributed Paper Session: Teaching or Learning Calculus
Madison, WI, Aug 2-4, 2012
Abstract p. 51,
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"SEE-Math: Six String Probability Activity",
MAA MathFest
Contributed Paper Session: Math Circles: Best Practices
Madison, WI, Aug 2-4, 2012
Abstract p. 19,
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus: Electronic Study Guide, Assessment of Student Attitudes",
Virginia Military Institute, STEM Education Conference,
Oct 1-3, 2012 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Math Circles, Texas A&M's SEE-Math and the Six String Probability Activity",
Virginia Military Institute, STEM Education Conference,
Oct 1-3, 2012.
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Electronic Study Guide for Precalculus and Calculus",
60th Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT 60),
San Antonio, TX, July 10, 2013
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Assessing Maplets for Calculus: Best Practices for Instructors and Software Developers",
MAA MathFest,
General Contributed Paper Session: Teaching Calculus
Hartford, CT, Aug 2, 2013
(with D. Meade, R. Patenaude and R. Petrulis).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus Expands Offerings in Precalculus, Calculus and Differential Equations",
MAA MathFest
General Contributed Paper Session: Teaching Calculus
Hartford, CT, Aug 2, 2013
(with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus: Expanding offerings and opportunities in Precalculus, Calculus and Differential Equations",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Session on Using Online Resources to Augment the Traditional Classroom, I
Baltimore, MD, January 15-18, 2014
Abstract 1096-p5-1996,
(with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus: Impact on Learning and Other Lessons Learned",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Session on Teaching with Technology: Impact, Evaluation, and Reflection
Baltimore, MD, January 15-18, 2014
Abstract 1096-m5-2668,
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maple in Honors Calculus",
MAA MathFest
Contributed Paper Session: Mathematics in Honors Programs
Portland OR, August 6-9, 2014
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Improving Student Success in Calculus at the University of South Carolina",
MAA MathFest
MAA Themed Contributed Paper Session: Curriculum Development to Support First Year Mathematics Students
Portland OR, August 6-9, 2014
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Texas A&M Math Circle: Structure and Activities",
MAA MathFest
MAA Contributed Paper Session: Outreach
Portland OR, August 6-9, 2014
(with Frank Sottile, Alex Sprintson, Kaitlyn Phillipson, Trevor Olsen).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus, Present and Future",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology, I
San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015
Abstract 1106-ve-2208,
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, D. Van Huyck, D. Shatalov, E. Corpus, P. Sarin, M. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Texas A&M Summer Educational Enrichment in Math (SEE-Math): Doing not Lecturing",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Outreach
San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015
Abstract 1106-VH-2214
(with D. Manuel).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Educational Impact of Using Maplets for Calculus",
27th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 27),
Las Vegas, NV, March 12 - 15, 2015
Program p. 14
(with D. Meade, R. Petrulis).
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Maplets for Calculus v1.4",
27th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 27),
Las Vegas, NV, March 12 - 15, 2015
Program p. 14
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, D. Van Huyck, D. Shatalov, P. Sarin, M. Sprintson, E. Corpus).
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Maplets for Calculus, Rating, Grading and Evaluation",
MAA MathFest,
General Contributed Paper Session on "Mathematics and Technology"
Washington DC, August 5-8, 2015
Abstract p. 193.
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"From 5th to 12th: Discoveries and Challenges of Multi-leveled Math Circles.",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Session on the Broad Impact Of Math Circles
Seattle, WA, January 7, 2016
Paper # 1116-B5-1776, (with K. Phillipson, F. Sottile and A. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus v1.4 and WebCalc 2 and 3, An Overview",
96th Annual Meeting of the Texas Section of the MAA,
Nacogdoches, TX, March 31-April 2, 2016
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, D. Van Huyck, A. Crenwelge, A. Patel, D. Shatalov, P. Sarin, and M. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Introducing MYMathApps Calculus",
MAA MathFest,
General Contributed Paper Session on "Teaching Calculus"
Columbus OH, August 3-6, 2016
Abstract p. 48.
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"MYMathApps Calculus - Building on Maplets for Calculus",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Session on Mathematical Technology in the Calculus Classroom, I
Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2017
Abstract 1125-H5-2669,
(with D. Meade, A. Crenwelge).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"The Dissemination of Gossip",
MAA MathFest,
Contributed Paper Session With Themes on "My Favorite Math Circle Problem"
Chicago IL, July 26-29, 2017.
(with P. Sarin).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Continuing Development of MYMathApps Calculus",
MAA MathFest,
General Contributed Paper Session on "Teaching and Learning Calculus, and Mathematics and Technology"
Chicago IL, July 26-29, 2017.
(with A. Crenwelge, J. Martinsen, M. Weihing, E. Sharma, S. Saravanan and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Interactive Animations in MYMathApps Calculus",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology
San Diego, CA, January 10-13, 2018
Abstract 1135-VD-3054,
(with A. Crenwelge, J. Martinsen, M. Weihing and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"MYMathApps Tutorials",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology
Baltimore, MD, January 16-19, 2019
Abstract 1145-VD-1617,
(with M. Weihing).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Textbook Problem Dependency Web",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology
Baltimore, MD, January 16-19, 2019
Abstract 1145-VD-1989,
(with J. Martinsen).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"Minimum Volume between a Surface and its Tangent Plane",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Contributed Paper Session on It's Circular: Conjecture, Compute, Iterate
Baltimore, MD, January 16-19, 2019
Abstract 1145-M5-1295.
Funding source: Math Dept.
"MYMathApps Calculus Tutorials",
MAA MathFest,
General Contributed Poster Session
Cincinnati, OH, July 31-Aug 3, 2019.
(with M. Weihing, J. Martinsen and A. Rao).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"MYMathApps Calculus",
MYMathApps Calculus-Sample"
MAA MathFest,
Contributed Paper Session on
"Innovative Ideas in Teaching Mathematics - Lessons from the Pandemic and its Aftermath"
Philadelphia, PA, August 6, 2022
Did not attend due to the pandemic.
"You Too Can Put Manipulatable 3D Graphics in Your Webpage",
Maple Conference, 2022 - Maple in Mathematics Education and Research,
Online Conference, Nov 2-3, 2022
Conference Link:
Video Link:
Invited Poster Sessions
"Maplets for Calculus --- Tutoring without the Tutor,"
NSF CCLI Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, Jan 5-8, 2009 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus - An NSF CCLI Phase I Project,"
NSF CCLI Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Jan 13-16, 2010 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus - An NSF CCLI Phase I Project,"
NSF CCLI Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jan 6-9, 2011 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Proposal: Maplets for Calculus,"
2011 CCLI/TUES Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC, Jan 26-28, 2011 (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"SIGMAA on Math Circles for Students and Teachers Poster and Activity Session",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
Co-organizer with James Tanton (St. Mark's School), Tatiana Shubin (San Jose State University), and Sam Vandervelde (St. Lawrence University)
Boston, MA, Jan 4-7, 2012
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Boston, MA, Jan 4-7, 2012
Paper # 1077-00-1145, (with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- New Developments",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
San Diego, CA, Jan 10, 2013
Paper # 1086-00-2588, (with D. Meade, M. Barry and L. Collins).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- Evaluation and Assessment",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
San Diego, CA, Jan 10, 2013
Paper # 1086-00-2537, (with D. Meade, E. Dickey, R. Petrulis, R. Patenaude and P. Adams).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"SIGMAA on Math Circles for Students and Teachers Poster and Activity Session",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
Co-organizer with James Tanton (St. Mark's School), Tatiana Shubin (San Jose State University), and Sam Vandervelde (St. Lawrence University)
San Diego, CA, Jan 11, 2013
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus",
2013 TUES/CCLI Principal Investigators Conference,
Washington, DC, Jan 23-25, 2013
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- New Developments",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Baltimore, MD, January 15-18 2014
Paper # 1096-00-661, (with D. Meade and M. Barry).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- Evaluation and Assessment",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Baltimore, MD, January 15-18 2014
Paper # 1096-00-988, (with D. Meade and R. Patenaude).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- Incorporating the M4C into MathLynx",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Baltimore, MD, January 15-18 2014
Paper # 1096-00-1350, (by John Velling, Terrence Blackman and Jerald Smith).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- New Developments",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015
Paper # 1106-00-2138, (with D. Meade, M. Barry, D. Van Huyck, D. Shatalov, E. Corpus, P. Sarin and M. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- Evaluation and Assessment",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015
Paper # 1106-00-1550, (with D. Meade, E. Dickey and R. Petrulis).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"From 5th to 12th: Discoveries and Challenges of Multi-leveled Math Circles",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
Seattle, WA, January 7, 2016
Paper # , (with K. Phillipson, F. Sottile and A. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- New Developments",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Seattle, WA, January 7, 2016
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, D. Van Huyck, D. Shatalov, P. Sarin and M. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus (M4C) -- Evaluation and Assessment",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Seattle, WA, January 7, 2016
(with D. Meade and R. Petrulis).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Maplets for Calculus",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Me And My Gadgets---Teaching With Technology,
Seattle, WA, January 9, 2016
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Developing Maplets for Calculus version 1.4",
Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education (EnFUSE): Research and Practice,
Symposium supported by NSF/AAAS
Washington, DC, April 27-29, 2016
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Assessing Maplets for Calculus - Methods and Conclusions",
Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education (EnFUSE): Research and Practice,
Symposium supported by NSF/AAAS
Washington, DC, April 27-29, 2016
(with D. Meade).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus, TAMU",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2017
(with D. Meade, A. Crenwelge, J. Martinsen, D. Van Huyck, M. Weihing,
S. Saravanan, P. Sarin and M. Sprintson).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus, U. of South Carolina",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2017
(with D. Meade, & R. Petrulis).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus, TAMU and U. of South Carolina",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session: Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
San Diego, CA, January 10-13, 2018
Abstract 1135-00-2276,
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, A. Crenwelge, J. Martinson and M. Weihing).
Funding source: NSF Grant.
"Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus, TAMU and U. of South Carolina",
AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings,
MAA Poster Session: Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education,
Baltimore, MD, January 16-19, 2019
Abstract 1145-00-672,
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, J. Martinson, M. Weihing and A Rao).
Funding source: Math Dept.
"TAMU Math Circle and Summer Educational Enrichment in Math (SEE-Math)",
NSF Broader Impacts & Education Plan Seminar & Expo,
TAMU Feb. 6, 2019
"Building Better Books & Outreach Activities",
NSF Broader Impacts & Education Plan Seminar & Expo,
TAMU Feb. 5, 2020
"Building Better Books & Outreach Activities",
NSF Broader Impacts & CAREER Education Plan Expo & Seminar,
TAMU Feb. 3, 2021
Contributed Poster Sessions
"Educational Impact of Using Maplets for Calculus",
27th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 27),
Las Vegas, NV, March 12 - 15, 2015
Abstract p. 7
(with D. Meade, R. Petrulis).
Funding source: NSF Grant
"Maplets for Calculus v1.4",
27th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM 27),
Las Vegas, NV, March 12 - 15, 2015
Abstract p. 7
(with D. Meade, M. Barry, D. Van Huyck, D. Shatalov, P. Sarin, M. Sprintson, E. Corpus).
Funding source: NSF Grant
University Talks
"Making Technical Content Available on the Web Using Maple and Scientific Notebook,"
Internet Technology Working Group, TAMU, Mar 8, 2005.
"On-Line Calculus resources at Texas A&M University,"
AP Calculus Workshop, 1 hr talk, Aug 1, 2007.
Funding source: NA
"Panel presentations on college math education (including technology issues),"
Seminar on Mathematics Education in China and the United States, College Station TAMU, July 1-3, 2008
(with Dianne Goldsby, Don Allen, Jiazu Zhou, Kunyang Wang, Zhongdan Huan, and Guangxiang Zhang).
Department Talks
"Geometry and Topology of Spacetime,"
Pre-talk for Frontiers Visitor: Robert Wald, TAMU, Nov 1993.
"Projects Using Maple,"
1.5 Hr Workshop at 1998 Maple V - Release 4 Workshop, Texas A&M, June 22-24, 1998.
"Making a Movie Using Maple,"
1.5 Hr Workshop at 1998 Maple V - Release 4 Workshop, Texas A&M, June 22-24, 1998.
"Maplets for Calculus,"
Technology Retreat, Texas A&M, Apr 22, 2005.
Community Talks
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle Sep 22, 2008.
"The Polygon Differencing Problem,"
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle Feb 2, 2009.
"Proofs without Words,"
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle April 26, 2010.
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle June 9, 2010, (with Janice Epstein).
"King Arthur Problem,"
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle June 9, 2010.
"Platonic Solids,"
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle June 9, 2010, (with Margaret Upton).
"Euler Numbers,"
Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle May 9, 2011.
"Balance Beam Problems"
two 1 hour presentations, 2nd grade students,
College Hills Elementary, College Station, Nov 7, 2017
"Exploding Dots (Place Value Activity)"
two 1 hour presentations, 3nd grade students,
College Hills Elementary, College Station, Oct 11, 2018
Undergraduate Seminar Talks
"Platonic Solids and Euler Numbers,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Nov 1991.
"The Game Eleusis,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Sept 29, 1993.
"Platonic Solids -- Conjecture and Proof,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentations, June 17 and July 1, 2003.
"Making Middle School Math Fun but Challenging,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Sept 22, 2003.
"Rascal's Triangle,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Sept. 20, 2004.
"Platonic Solids -- Conjecture and Proof,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentation, June 13, 2005.
"4 Dimensional Geometry,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Sept. 19, 2005.
"Platonic Solids -- Conjecture and Proof,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentations, June 12 and July 10, 2006.
"Euler Numbers,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, March 26, 2007.
"Euler Numbers -- in Honor of Leonard Euler's 300th Birthday,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentations, June 4, June 11, and June 18, 2007.
"Platonic Solids,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentation, June 30, 2008.
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Feb 9, 2009.
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentations, June 8 and June 15, 2009.
"Polygon Differencing Games,"
TAMU SMaRT Camp 2010, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX, June 17, 2010.
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
TAMU Berkolaiko's REU, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX, July 19, 2010.
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
Univ of South Carolina Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Columbia, SC, Nov 4, 2010.
Funding source: Univ of South Carolina.
"Pick's Theorem",
TAMU Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Feb 14, 2011.
"A Search Ranking Algorithm",
TAMU Applied Mathematics Undergraduate Seminar, (AMUSe) Mar 23, 2011.
"Conway's Rational Tangles,"
Summer Honors Invitational Program, 1-Hour Presentations, June 8 and June 20, 2011.
"Conway's Rational Tangles",
Summer Honors Invitational Program,
1-Hour Presentations, June 18, June 25 and July 9, 2012.
"Conway's Rational Tangles",
TAMU Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Jan 28, 2013.
"Conway's Rational Tangles",
National Scholar Invitational Program,
1-Hour Presentations, June 18, June 25 and July 9, 2013.
"Conway's Rational Tangles",
Pre-REU Seminar, July 17, 2013.
"King Arthur Problem",
TAMU Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Sept 2, 2013.
"The Polygon Differencing Problem",
TAMU Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Nov 18, 2014.
"Cell Phone Dropping Problem"
Presented at "Pasta with a Prof" for Honors Students,
TAMU Honors Dorms, Sept 16, 2015
"Conway's Rational Tangles"
TAMU Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, April 19, 2016.
"Cell Phone Dropping"
TAMU Pi Mu Epsilon Seminar, Feb 6, 2018.
"Exploding Dots",
TAMU Math Club/Pi Mu Epsilon talk, Oct 9, 2018.
"Counting Diagonals",
TAMU Math Club/Pi Mu Epsilon talk, Nov 12, 2019.
"Dropping Cell Phones",
TAMU Math Club/Pi Mu Epsilon talk, Mar 3, 2020 (cancelled due to pandemic).
"Map Coloring",
TAMU Math Club/Pi Mu Epsilon talk, Nov 1, 2022
Invited Talks for K-12 Students and/or Teachers
"Make a Maple Movie,"
Computer Lab Activity for Iola Middle School Math Club visit, organized by Candace Dibiano, 1 hour, Mar 8, 2006.
"Polygon Differencing Games,"
UT Saturday Morning Math Group, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, Feb 27, 2010.
Funding source: UT Austin, Dept of Math.
"Platonic Solids",
Presentation to Math Teachers
Harmony Academy, Bryan, TX, Feb 2, 2011.
"Polygon Differencing" to middle and high school students
Islander Math Circle, TAMU Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, TX, May 10, 2014
Funding source: TAMU Corpus Christi, Dept of Math.
"Polygon Differencing" to middle and high school teachers
Steven F. Austin State University Math Teachers' Circle,
Nacogdoches, TX, Nov 11, 2014
Funding source: TAMU Corpus Christi, Dept of Math.
"Dropping Cell Phones Problem" to middle and high school teachers
Mathematics Teachers' Circle of Austin,
Austin, TX, Nov. 19, 2015
Funding source: Steven F. Austin State University, Dept of Math. .
"Platonic Solids" to middle school students
St Louis Catholic Middle School,
Austin, TX, Nov. 20, 2015
Funding source: NA .
"Math Circle Activities", with Po-Shen Loh,
1 hour seminar for High School students
Shanghai, China, July 9, 2017
Funding source: East China Normal University.
"Polygon Differencing Games" to middle and high school students
Chattanooga Math Circle,
Chattanooga, TN, Oct. 19, 2017
Funding source: University of Tennesee, Dept of Math.
"Map Coloring" to 7th grade students
Keeling Middle School,
Austin, TX, Dec 7, 2017
Funding source: NA
"Cell Phone Dropping Problem",
University of Texas, Saturday Morning Math Group,
Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, Apr 28, 2018.
Funding source: Dept of Math at UT Austin
"Exploding Dots (Place Value Activity)",
Katy Math Circle,
Katy, TX, Oct 2, 2018.
"Counting Diagonals",
A&M Consolidated High School, Math Club,
College Station, TX, Sept. 18, 2019.
"Counting Diagonals",
College Station High School, Math Club,
College Station, TX, Oct. 2, 2019.
"Surprising Probabilities",
Katy Math Circle,
Katy, TX, Nov 5, 2019.
"Surprising Probabilities",
East Texas Math Teachers' Circle,
Steven F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, Nov 6, 2018.
"Gerrymandering", Guest Lecture,
K-12 Geography and GIS Summer Computing Camp,
College of Geosciences
College Station, TX, July 6, 2021.
"Rational Tangles", presentation to GT students
Pecan Trail Intermediate School,
College Station, TX, Feb 23, 2022.
"Counting Diagonals", Invited presentation to Math Club,
College Station High School,
College Station, TX, Oct 12, 2022.
© Copyright P. Yasskin 2023
Last revised Mar 20, 2023