Summer 2024, Physics 222.

Lecture is a conversation. It is boring otherwise. I encourage all students to be active, ask questions and argue. I want to learn and I love to learn new things. My experience tells me that I learn the best when challenged to answer questions.

This class covers a wide range of topics: Classical physics, Relativity, Quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and nuclear and sub-nuclear structures. I will make the main emphasis on the unusual, counterintuitive, "cool" effects and concepts.

Artem G. Abanov
Prof. Artem G. Abanov
Department of Physics & Astronomy, MS 4242,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4242
Artem Abanov's CV
Research supported by:
Texas A&M University, Department of Physics & Astronomy, MS 4242, College Station, TX 77843-4242  |   |  fax: 1-979-845-2590