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Ajinkya Raut

PhD Student

email: ajinkyaraut@tamu.edu

phone: 979-721-0734



I am a Ph.D. student in J. Mike Walker '66 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. Having done my B.Tech + M.Tech in mechanical engineering from IIT Bombay (2010-2015), I have worked as a R&D Development Engineer, at Dassault Systemes in Bengaluru India (2015-2018).

I am currently working in Dr. Andreas Polycarpou's research group. My research topic is to study tribological properties of polymers under extreme pressure and temperatures.





  • Nanomanufacturing

  • Synthetic biology

  • Plant-based materials manufacturing

  • Additive manufacturing of antimicrobial surfaces





Homepage | Ajinkya Raut (updated March 02, 2022)