Texas A&M University
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Behavior & Biodiversity Stewardship Lab
Evaluation Criteria
Technical Help

Practitioners PoRTHOLE
meet HUGO
Hugo's Tips on Behavioral Ecology

Are you feeling like my friends who are natural resource managers? Do you want to get through this coursework and back out into the field as soon as you can? Or are you like Patty? She is responsible for the care of big cats. After being out in the heat most of the day, she is happy to spend time in the air-conditioning...but she only has an hour a day to work on this course.

First, let me cut to the chase. The bottom line of what you will get out of this course is simple. "The distribution of resources impacts the distribution of females. In turn, the distribution of females impacts the distribution of males. " That is the big-picture, practical, overview that you will be able to apply in managing your animals and the habitats where they live.

Most of the rest of the course is ....honestly..."fluff". It is really good fluff for the folks who want to pursue a career in science. When you want a little help "seeing the forest for the trees", join me on my BLOG. We can kick around more survival tips to make this course the adventure you were hoping for. The link to my BLOG is at the right.


**video links coming soon**

Office of Admissions | Office of Graduate Studies | Course Registration