Texas A&M University
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Behavior & Biodiversity Stewardship Lab
Technical Help

© U. Cumari


Objective 1- Participate: To participate in constructive thinking and problem solving with other students from diverse backgrounds in this course.

Since this is a blended course, students who are on campus will join the instructor in the meeting room where webinars are delivered. Off-campus students will join the webinar by clicking on a link sent through email. In each live webinar, the instructor will use a microphone to comment during a powerpoint presentation and respond to questions from students in the room and in the chat window provided (Saba Centra software). Webinars will be recorded and the videos will be available for review by students who could not attend. The webinar schedule will be determined by polling students during the first week of classes (doodle.com). During the first week, there is no synchronous meeting. Use the elearning tools.


Portal Home | Biodiversity Stewardship Lab | Distance Education

Office of Admissions | Office of Graduate Studies | Course Registration
