



My body of work has focused primarily on youth and on topics concerning health and violence. My recent and ongoing work is especially focused on documenting the effects of changes in access to reproductive healthcare. This work includes an evaluation of the Colorado Family Planning Initiative and an evaluation of the abortion clinic closures precipitated by Texas HB-2, which were at the center of the US Supreme Court case, Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstedt. See my research page for details and the "Media" section of my CV for television, radio and print coverage of my work.

I teach courses at the undergraduate and Ph.D. levels on best practices for evaluating the causal effects of policies and programs. In teaching I think the most important thing is to get students excited about the subject matter. I also think it's important to not take sides so students can learn how economists approach problems, what sorts of things they consider, and what types of arguments they respect.

My family includes Jenise, Claire (born 10/2012), Clark (born 3/2015), and Corinne (born 9/2018). My other love is soccer—I'm an especially avid fan of the The US National Soccer Teams. I'm also into NBA basketball where the Sacramento Kings are the team I've followed longest.

According to scientific tests, if I were a superhero I would be Spider-Man; if I were an action movie villain I would be Agent Smith; and if I were a famous leader I would be Ghandi.
