Tianbao Yang

Associate Professor and Herbert H. Richardson Faculty Fellow
Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University
Email: [first-name]-[last-name] at tamu.edu

Tianbao Yang is an Associate Professor and Herbert H. Richardson Faculty Fellow at CSE department of Texas A&M University, where he directs the lab of Optimization for Machine learning and AI (OptMAI Lab). His research interests center around optimization, machine learning and AI with applications in computer vision, NLP, trustworthy AI and medicine. Before joining TAMU, he was an assistant professor and then tenured Dean's Excellence associate professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Iowa from 2014 to 2022. Before that, he worked in Silicon Valley as Machine Learning Researcher for two years at GE Research and NEC Labs. He received the Best Student Paper Award of COLT in 2012, and the NSF Career Award in 2019. He is the founder of the well recognized LibAUC library. He is associate editor of multiple journals, including IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Here is his Google Scholar Citations. Here is his CV.