Title, History of SCULPT & Prefaces
Ergun Akleman, Oleg Fryazinov, Negar Kalantar, and Carlo H. Sequin
Design Studies Inspired by Perry’s “Sea & Sky
Carlo H. Sequin
Pages 9-24
Heterogeneous Conforming Compliant Microstructure Mechanisms
Gershon Elber
Pages 25-37
Growing Shapes: Unfolding simple quadrangulations of the sphere
one quad at a time
James Mallos
Pages 39-44
A Lego Rewriting System for Fabricating 3D Models
Manfred Lau
Pages 45-54
An Algorithm for Extending Menger-Type Fractal Structures
Manuel Diaz Regueiro and Luis Diaz Allegue
Pages 55-62