PI, NSF grant DMS-1900844 Workshop in Analysis and Probability (co-PIs I. Holmes, W.B Johnson, E. Procaccia), $174,000,
June 2019-May 2022
AIM SQuaRE grant Expanders, Ghosts, and Roe Algebras (F. Baudier, B. Braga, I. Farah, A. Khukhro,A. Vignati, R. Willett), 2020-2023
PI, NSF grant DMS-1800322 Banach Spaces and Graphs: Geometric Interactions and Applications, $112,771,
July 2018-June 2022
PI, ANR research grant ANR-13-PDOC-0031(National Research Agency, France) NoLiGeA Project, 150,000 euros (about $195,000),
January 2014-January 2016
Co-PI (PI Prof. V. Ferenczi, USP), FAPESP research grant 2013/11390-4 (São Paulo Research Foundation, state grant from Brazil) Somas torcidas,posicoes, e teoria de Ramsey, 76,398 R$ (about $34,380),
October 2013-September 2015