Texas A&M University
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Behavior & Biodiversity Stewardship Lab
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Objective 4. Apply concepts to examples in a logical framework consistent with modern behavioral biology

Learning Activities: Ever been in a situation where folks ask you a question and you find yourself stumbling for an answer? When you apply concepts to the examples that interest you the most, you will not only remember the information for a longer time, you will also be prepared to answer questions "on the spot". Throughout the semester, you will be preparing to answer a set of questions linked to the lectures on the study guide. Many of these may be answered using the assigned reading as your scienfic source. You will also be encouraged to search for supplemental sources about scientific studies that you find personally relevant. You will dialogue about the match between concepts and examples (as well as your scientific sources) in chats and blogs throughout the semester.

Assessment: The proctored 2-hr final exam consists of 6 short-paragraph questions chosen randomly from each of the 4 parts of the course, for a total of 24 questions (listed on the study guides). Your answers will be evaluated on 4 criteria: 1) originality (no plagiarism), 2) scientific concepts (i.e. cause, development, evolution, function), 3) examples (accuracy, relevance to concept) and 4) credibility (reference to scientific sources, citing the author and date).




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