Vacuum Energy (Casimir Effect)
- Journal
of Physics article, "Systematics ..."
._. Publication data and
- Norman QFExt Workshop
presentation (typos in eqs. (13) and (15) corrected)
Mass dependence of vacuum energy (Phys.Lett. B 624
(2005) 281-286)
- Casimir
energy with a Robin boundary:
The multiple-reflection cylinder-kernel expansion,
New J. Phys. 8 (2006) 234
(presenting Zhonghai Liu's M.S.
- How does
Casimir energy fall?
(Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 025004)
- Branson Memorial
presentation (SIGMA 3 (2007) 094)
- Newton Institute AGA article
(Analysis on Graphs and Its Applications,
ed. by P. Exner et al.,
Proc. Symp. Pure Math. v. 77, pp. 673-689)
- Leipzig QFExt Workshop
presentation (J. Phys. A 41 (2008) 164055)
Kaluza-Klein models as pistons
(Phys. Rev. D 79 (2009) 065019)
- Rectangles,
pistons, and pistols (J. Phys. A 42 (2009) 155402)
Multiple-reflection expansion, 1D cases (technical report)
- Energy and pressure near
boundaries (another Norman QFExt Conference
presentation, Int. J. Mod, Phys. A 25 (2010) 2367-2372)
- Wedges and cosmic strings (Miltonfest
- Soft wall
project (Dartmouth Conference presentation, Spectral
Geometry, ed. by A. H. Barnett et al., Proc. Symp. Pure
Math. v. 84, pp. 139-154)
Energy density and pressure in power-wall models
(Benasque QFExt Conference presentation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A
27 (2012) 1260009)
- Wedges,
... (Dowker festschrift paper, J. Phys. A 45 (2012)
Surface ...: Pressure anomaly and distributional limit
(J. Phys. A 45 (2012) 455402)
Torque anomaly in quantum field theory
(Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 047702)
Investigations ... in an annular sector. I
(Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013) 025029)
How does Casimir energy fall? IV
(Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014) 064027)
- Massive scalar field
(J. Phys. A 48 (2015) 245402)
Vacuum energy density and pressure near a soft wall
(Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) 105010)
(presenting the undergraduate research
of Colin Whisler and Steven Murray)
Stress tensor for a scalar field in a spatially varying
background potential: Divergences, "renormalization," anomalies,
and Casimir forces
(Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) 085017)
Renormalization for a scalar field in an external scalar
(Symmetry 10 (2018) 54)
Vacuum energy density and pressure inside a soft wall
(Internat. J. Mod. Phys. A 37 (2022) 2241007)
See also quantum graphs.