Mathematics 412 Honors, Sec. 200, Fall, 2006
Last updated Sat 16 Dec 2006
._. (or to near the bottom)
Course procedures and announcements:
12/16: Totals and grades are posted. Here are some stats and explanations:
- The totals for homework and class participation were shamelessly inflated to honor the
syllabus promise that they would be "generous overall".
- Homework: Median raw score was 162. Multiply your raw score by 0.3571 and add
77.1. A "perfect" curved score would be 150.
- Reviewing and class participation: (This consists mostly of reviewing points.)
Median raw score was 63. Multiply your raw score
by 0.75. A "perfect" curved score would be 50, but many people have more than that,
because I counted the few in-class points as extra credit.
- Median on the final was 126.5, top score was 162. I added 33.5 to make the median a
12/13: Final exam solutions are now posted below. (Sign error in solution to Qu. 3
corrected later same day.)
12/7: All the homework is now graded. You can pick up your papers
from the wall pouch next to my office door.
Please read the reports and general comments on assignments
11 and 12.
In particular, the grader discovered an important misprint in Sec. 7.10
that misled many students. There were NO immediately publishable papers
from the last two assignments. Of course, I do not expect you to submit
revisions at this late date, so I didn't even write "Please revise" on the
best papers, but I did copy them (with grader's corrections) to be held in
the collection if you signed the release form. You can see from the
reports whether your papers are in this category.
12/7: I expect to be in my office most of Monday 12/11, but not
after 3:45 (and not very early in the morning).
To study for the final, I recommend that you look closely at all the old
final exams on the web from previous semesters. Remember that the section
of the notes on classification (elliptic, etc.) will be included on the
11/25: Solutions for Test C are now attached below.
11/20: There will be two final review sessions:
- Tuesday, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Dec. 7, 2:00 p.m.
both in Blocker 112.
11/20: Some review problems
answers written by Fall 2005 students.
11/14: Differential geometry
course for Spring 2007
11/13: An old bug in the homework review program seems to have
resurfaced. If you get an error message saying that your report could not
be delivered, there is a high probability that it WAS delivered and
nothing is wrong. If this happens, please send a regular e-mail message
to me and the grader just telling us which exercise number is involved.
If we did NOT get the report, we will e-mail you and ask you to submit the
report and review to us as ordinary e-mail attachments. (They will still
be on your disk as text files.) Rerunning the hreview program in these
cases accomplishes nothing. The grader is .
11/13: Here are the demos from last Friday:
- Eigenvalues of a Robin Sturm-Liouville problem. Maple input and
- Bessel functions and Fourier-Bessel series. Maple input and
11/9: latest Math Club
announcement (for 11/13)
10/25: Note that some new resources have been added at the bottom
of the announcements list (right above here).
10/23: Clarification of Exercise 2, Homework 8:
The problem has one space dimension. ("R2" means
that space and time both go from minus to plus infinity.)
(1) Week 5 homework is available outside my office (in the wall pouch).
(2) The scanned transparencies on the rectangular
strip are here. (Credits: Andrew Jannati, Ji Ma, Ryan VanderPlas)
(3) I now have old solutions for all but one of the exercises in Week 7.
10/11: There will be a mathematics colloquium on Oct. 17
on Convergence of
Fourier Series. (It won't be on the test.)
10/6: The math majors meeting (see right below) has been
rescheduled for Oct. 10 (because of the power failure on Oct. 3).
9/30: Meeting Oct. 3 mandatory for math majors
9/17: The Fourier series Maple demos:
- Triangle wave
- Square wave
- Sawtooth wave
- Animated version by Dakota Blair.
"The code can actually be copied verbatim for each file." (Modified 9/18)
9/17: Announcement of TAMU Math Career
9/13: The old homework solutions for Week 2 (to the extent they
exist) are now posted. Sorry, I forgot to do that earlier today.
9/2: Notes on the three-string
8/29: Information on the student discount on Maple is
near the bottom.
- Required textbooks:
- R. Haberman, Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier
Series and Boundary Value Problems, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2004.
- S. A. Fulling, Math 412 lecture notes, for sale at Copy Corner (2307
Texas Ave.~S.).
Here is the first section of the notes, but
do not expect this service in the future; you should buy the whole set at
Copy Corner. (The notes have not changed since last year.)
- Course handout
- Related information
- Word processing information
- Old M. 412 course pages (including exams with solutions)
- Old course pages with homework reviews ("Skip past the
- Books on distributions (generalized
- Recommended historical article: L. Challis and F. Sheard,
The Green of Green Functions, Physics Today 56 No. 12 (Dec. 2003)
- Mathematical theory of vegetable cellars
Homework by weeks:
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
Solutions for Test A
._. Plot for Fourier problem
(Don't you love Maple's default colors?)
- assignments but 2.2.3 is too easy, so
let's add a Part (b) ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments with an extra problem ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
Solutions for Test B
- assignments ._.
Here are the problems.
(See clarification in announcements above.) ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
Solutions for Test C
- assignments ._.
solutions and reports
._. old solutions
Solutions for Final Exam
Back to beginning of list or top of
- Some old demos. (I am sorry that I have not had time to update or
maintain these properly. I'll try to find time for that later.)
- Animation of moving wave packets (d'Alembert's solution).
Input only -- requires Mathematica. Do not expect Pixar
- Introducing d'Alembert's solution:
MathLily or PDF.
- Wave reflection:
MathLily or PDF.
(MathLily files are both
valid Mathematica files and valid TeX files.)
- [All the other demos have now been moved into the annoucements.]
- Information on how to get a
in mathematics, or even a double major. Most science and engineering
majors can qualify easily.
- Student discount on Maple
Go to home pages:
Fulling ._._.
Calclab ._._.
Math Dept ._._.