Czechoslovakia, 1994
- "General Exchange Rules with Single-peaked Preferences," (with Zhen Huang), revised and resubmitted to Social Choice and Welfare, 2023. pdf.
- "Voting on Redistribution with Retaining Top Talent," (with Darong Dai), March, 2023. pdf.
- "Participation Constraints in First-Price Auctions,” (with Xiaoyong Cao, Shao-Chieh Hsueh and Wei Wang), September, 2022/revised April, 2023. pdf.
- "Relativity, Inequality, and Optimal Taxation of Internationally Mobile Top Incomes," (with Darong Dai), June, 2022/revised March, 2023. pdf.
- "Voting over Selfishly Optimal Income Tax Schedules with Participation Constraints," (with Darong Dai), December, 2022. pdf.
- "Reputation and Liability in Experience Goods Markets with Imperfect Monitoring," (with Yizheng Chen and Jingkui Li), June, 2022. Economics Letters, 220 (2022), Article 110854. pdf.
- "Stability and Efficiency in Dynamic Matching with Transfers," (with Yizheng Chen), October, 2019/revised September, 2022. pdf.
- "Optimal Interregional Redistribution and Local Budget Rules with Multidimensional Heterogeneity," (with Darong Dai), February, 2021/revised December, 2021. Review of Economic Design, 27 (2023), 79-124. pdf.
- "Optimal Regional Insurance Provision: Do Federal Transfers Complement Local Debt?" (with Darong Dai, Weige Huang and Liqun Liu), September, 2019/revised December, 2021. Journal of Economics, 137 (2022), 35-80. pdf.
- "From Industrial Policy to Competition Policy: A Discussion based on Two Debates," September, 2019/June, 2020. China Economic Review, 62 (2020), Article 101505. pdf.
- "Voting over Selfishly Optimal Income Tax Schedules with Tax-Driven Migrations, (with Darong Dai)",July, 2018/revised January, 2020.Social Choice and Welfare, 60 (2023), 183-235. pdf.
- "The Competitive and Welfare Effects of Long-term Contracts with Network Externalities and Bounded Rationality," (with Dawen Meng), August, 2013/revised October, 2019. Economic Theory, 72 (2021), 337–375. pdf.
- "On Responsiveness of Two Competing Mechanisms to Affirmative Action in School Choice,” (with Zhenhua Jiao and Ziyang Shen), October, 2016/revised August, 2019. pdf.
- "Relativity, Mobility, and Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation in an Open Economy," (with Darong Dai and Wenzheng Gao), April, 2017/revised January, 2020. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 172 (2020), 57-82. pdf.
- "On the Ratifiability of Efficient Cartel Mechanisms in First-Price Auctions with Participation Costs and Information Leakage," (with Xiaoyong Cao and Shao-Chieh Hsueh), January, 2013/revised October, 2018. Oxford Economic Papers, 73(1) (2021), 446-459. pdf.
- "On the Efficiency of Wage-Setting Mechanisms with Search Frictions and Human Capital Investment," (with Darong Dai), March, 2016/revised February, 2017. Annals of Economics and Finance, 21 (2020), 1-40. pdf.
- "Interregional Redistribution and Budget Institutions with Private Information on Intergenerational Externality," (with Darong Dai and Liqun Liu), September, 2018. Review of Economic Design, 23 (2019), 127-154. pdf.
- "Two Differential Games between Rent-Seeking Politicians and Capitalists: Implications for Economic Growth," (with Darong Dai and Wenzheng Gao), March, 2014/revised August, 2015. International Game Theory Review, 21 (2019), 1-30. pdf.
- "Deceleration of China's Economic Growth: Causes and Countermeasures", August, 2018. Frontiers of Economics in China, 14 (2019), 3-25. pdf
- "Optimal Interregional Redistribution under Migration and Asymmetric Information, (with Darong Dai and Liqun Liu)", July, 2018. 6. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21 (2019), 1266-1285. pdf.
- "Sequential Nonlinear Pricing of Experience Goods With Network Effects," (with Dawen Meng), October, 2018. pdf.
- "State Aid in Government Procurement," (with Xiaoyong Cao and Jiong Gong), The World Economy, 00 (2020), 1-14.pdf.
- "On Risk Compensation to Prudent Decision Maker," (with Yougong Tian), ", January, 2016/revised December, 2016.pdf.
- "Characterizing Higher-Order Ross More Risk Aversion by Comparison of Risk Compensation,"
(with Yougong Tian), ", August, 2016/revised November, 2016.pdf.
- "Toward Longer Investment: Is an Inclusive Regime Always Better than an Authoritarian One?" (with Darong Dai), September, 2015/revised December, 2020. Economic Modelling, 98 (2021), 41–68. pdf.
- "The Blocking Lemma and Group Strategy-Proofness in Many-to-Many Matchings, (with Zhenhua Jiao)", May, 2015/revised August, 2015, Games and Economic Behavior. 102 (2017), 44-55. pdf.
- "Efficiency and Respecting Improvements in College Admissions,"
(with Zhenhua Jiao), ", December, 2014/revised July, 2017. pdf.
- "The Blocking Lemma and Group Incentive Compatibility for Matching with Contracts," (with Zhenhua Jiao, Songqing Chen and Fei Yang), revised August, 2015;Mathematical Social Sciences, 82 (2016), 65-71. pdf.
- "The Stability of Many-to-Many Matching with Max–min Preferences," (with Zhenhua Jiao), (with Zhenhua Jiao), revised November, 2014; published in Economics Letters, 129 (2015) 52-56. pdf.
- "Matching with Couples: Semi-Stability and Algorithm, (with Zhiasan Jiang) ", November, 2013/revised November, 2014.pdf.
- "Entry-Deterring Nonlinear Pricing
with Bounded Rationality,", (with Dawen Meng) August, 2013/revised May, 2014.pdf.
- " Full Characterization on Fixed-Point Theorems, Minimax Inequalities and Related Theorems,", November, 2012/revised July, 2016, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. 19 (2017), 1679-1693. pdf.
- "Two-Agent Collusion-Proof Mechanism Design
with Both Correlations and Arbitrage," (with Dawen Meng) Februday, 2014. pdf.
- "On the Existence of Price Equilibrium in Economies with Excess Demand Functions,", November, 2010/revised March, 2016, published in Economic Theory Bulletin, 2.pdf.
- "An Application of the Melitz Model to Chinese Firms," (with Chunren Sun and Tao Zhang), November, 2010/revised June, 2012. Review of Development Economics, 2013.pdf.
- "Multi-task Incentive Contract and Performance
Measurement with Multidimensional Types," (with Dawen Meng) August, 2010/revised August, 2011, Games and Economic Behavior, 2013. pdf.
- "Detrimental Externalities, Pollution Rights, and the
``Coase Theorem," (with John S. Chipman) November, 2009/revised October, 2010, published in Economic Theory, 2011. pdf.
- "Nonratifiability of the Cartel Mechanism in First-Price Sealed-Bid Auction with Participation Costs," (with Shao-Chieh Hsueh and Xiaoyong Cao) August, 2009/revised July, 2014. pdf.
- "On the Existence of Strong Nash Equilibria," (with Rabia Nessah) March, 2009/revised August, 2013. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and and Applications, 2014. pdf.
- "Existence of Equilibria in Games with Arbitrary Strategy Spaces and Payoffs", October, 2008/Revised: May, 2015, published in Journal of Mathematical Economics pdf.
- "Vickrey Auctions with Sequential and Costly Participation," (with Mingjuan Xiao) January, 2009. pdf.
- "Existence of Equilibria in Discontinuous Games," (with Rabia Nessah) November, 2008/Revised: July, 2015. Economic Theory. pdf , forthcoming.
- "Existence of Solution of Minimax Inequalities, Equilibria in Games and Fixed Points without Convexity and Compactness Assumptions," (with Rabia Nessah), November, 2008/revised June, 2012. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2013.pdf.
- "Nonlinear Pricing with Arbitrage: On the Role of
Correlation," (with Dawen Meng) August, 2008. pdf.
- "How are Income and Non-Income Factors Different in Promoting
Happiness? An Answer to the Easterlin Paradox," (with Liyan Yang) December, 2005/revised: March, 2010. pdf.
- "Equilibria in Second Price Auctions with Information Acquisition," (with Shengyu Li) March, 2008. pdf.
- "A Reputation Strategic Model of Monetary Policy in Continuous Time," (with J. Li and Y. Liu) April, 2008/Revised:December, 2008, Journal of Macroeconomics 31 (2009). pdf.
- "Nonlinear Pricing with Network Externalities and Countervailing Incentives," (with Dawen Meng) January, 2008/revised: August, 2008. pdf.
- "First Price Auctions with Participation Costs," (with Xiaoyong Cao); October, 2007/Revised: February, 2009, published in Games and Economic Behavior, 2010.. pdf.
- "Endogenous Information Acquisition on Opponents' Valuations in Multidimensional First Price Auctions," (with Mingjun Xiao) September, 2007/revised: January, 2010. pdf.
- "Equilibria in Second-Price Auctions with Private Participation Costs," (with Xiaoyong Cao, Guofu Tan, Okan Yilankaya); February, 2007/revised August 2016, Economic Theory. pdf. , forthcoming.
- "Second Price Auctions with Different Participation Costs,"(with Xiaoyong Cao); November, 2006/revised: February, 2012, forthcoming in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. pdf.
- "Theory of Negative Consumption Externalities
with Applications to Economics of Happiness," (with Liyan Yang); September, 2005/final revesion:December, 2007, published in Economic Theory. pdf.
- "On the Informational Requirements of Decentralized Pareto-Satisfactory Mechanisms in Economies with Increasing Returns," 2004/revised October 2006. pdf.
- "Implementation of Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibrium Allocations with Transfers in Economies with Increasing Returns to Scale,"August, 2004/revised May, 2010, published in Review of Economic Design, 2010pdf.
- "Implementation of Pareto Efficient Allocations," May, 2004/fincal reversion: July, 2008, published in Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2009 pdf.
- "Implementation in Economies with Non-Convex
Production Technologies Unknown to the Designer," September, 2003/fincal reversion: May, 2008/published in Games and Economic Behavior, 2010 pdf.
- " Reputation and Optimal Contract for Central Bankers:
A Unified Approach," (Kevin Huang); 2003/revised: March, 2011, published in Macroeconomic Dynamics. pdf.
- "Implementation for Production Economies with
Increasing Returns," 2003/published in Mathematical Social Sciences, 2005. pdf.
- "Implementation of Walrasian Allocations in Ec
onomies with Infinite Dimension Commodity Spaces," 2002. pdf.
- "Time Inconsistency and Reputation in
Monetary Policy: A Strategic Model in Continuous Time," 2001. pdf.
- "A Solution to the Problem of
Consumption Externalities," 2001/published in J. of Mathematical Economics, 2003. pdf.
- "A Unique Informationally
Efficient Allocation Mechanism in Economies with Consumption
Externalities," 2001/published in International Economic Review, 2004. pdf.
- "A Unique Informationally Efficient Allocation Mechanism in Economies with Public Goods," 2001/revised October 2005. pdf.
- " The Unique Informational Efficiency of the Competitive Mechanism,"
2001/publised in Social Choice and Welfare, 2006. pdf.
- "Double Implementation of Lindahl Allocations by A Feasible and
Continuous Mechanism," 1997/published in Social Choice and Welfare(2000). pdf.
- "Incentive Mechanism Design for Production Economies with Both
Private and Public Ownership," 1997/published in Games and Economic
Behavior(2000). pdf.
- "Implementation of Balanced Linear Cost Share Equilibrium
Solution in Nash and Strong Nash Equilibria," 1997/published in Journal of Public Economics(2000). pdf.
- "Double Implementation of Linear Cost Share Equilibrium
Allocations," 1997/published in Mathematical Social Sciences(2000). pdf.
- "Feasible and Continuous Double Implementation of Constrained
Walrasian Allocations," 1996/published in Annals of Economics and
Finance(2000). pdf.
- "Breaking Up is Hard to Do: The Theory of Property Rights in
Transitional Economies," 1995/published in Journal of
Institutional and Theoretical Economics (2001). pdf.
- "Property Rights and the Nature of Collective Enterprises in
Transitional Economies," 1996/published in Journal of Comparative Economics(2000). pdf.
- "On the Existence of Optimal Dominant Strategy Mechanisms for
Uncountably Many Utility Functions," (with L. Liu),
1995/published in Review of Economic Design(1999). pdf.
- "On the Existence of Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium in
Discontinuous Games," 1994.
- "A Non-Neoclassical General Equilibrium Model of
Mixed-Ownership," 1993.
- "Optimal Limits to Growth with Exhaustible Resources and
Diminishing Returns to Population Size," (with C. Li and
Lozada), 1993.
- "An Incentive-Compatible Mechanism Yielding Pareto
and Strictly Equitable Allocations," 1993.
- "On the Transfer Topological Conditions, Their Properties
Applications to Some Fundamental Theorems in Mathematics,"
(with J. Zhou), 1992.
- "On the Distribution and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of
Linear Expenditure System," (with John S. Chipman and Gerd
Ronning), 1991.
- "Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Linear
Expenditure System with Lognormal Distribution," (with
John S.
Chipman), 1990.
- "Generalizations of the Fan-Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz
Theorem and the Ky-Fan Minimax Inequality," 1989.
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