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Refereed Publications:

  1. T. Mansour, R. Rastegar, A. Roitershtein, and G. Yildirim, The longest increasing subsequence in involutions avoiding 3412 and another pattern,
    to appear in Pure Mathematics and Applications (PU.M.A.)
  2. A. Roitershtein and Z. Zhou, Distribution tails of history-dependent random linear recursions,
    Stoch. Models. 38 (2022), 250-267.
  3. T. Mansour, R. Rastegar, A. Roitershtein, and M. Shattuck, Shifting powers in Spivey's Bell number formula,
    Quaest. Math. 45 (2022), 55-69.
  4. R. Rastegar and A. Roitershtein, Avalanches in a short-memory excitable network,
    Adv. in Appl. Probab. 53 (2021), 609-648.
  5. A. P. Ghosh, S. Noren, and A. Roitershtein, Favorite sites of a persistent random walk,
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 501 (2021), 125180.
  6. T. Mansour, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, Horizontal visibility graph of a random restricted growth sequence,
    Adv. Appl. Math. 124 (2021), 102145.
  7. K. Zhou, I. Dobson, Z. Wang, A. Roitershtein, and A. P. Ghosh, A Markovian influence graph formed from utilityline outage data to mitigate cascading,
    IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 35 (2020), 3224-3235.
  8. T. Mansour, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, Finite automata, probabilistic method, and occurrence enumeration of a pattern in words and permutations,
    SIAM J. Discrete Math. 34 (2020), 1011-1038.
  9. T. Mansour, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, Staircase patterns in words: subsequences, subwords, and separation number,
    European J. Combin. 86 (2020), 103099.
  10. C. McCarthy, G. Nop, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, Random walk on the Poincare disk induced by a group of Mobius transformations,
    Markov Process. Related Fields 25 (2019), 915-940.
  11. T. Mansour, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, On ballistic deposition process on a strip,
    J. Stat. Phys. 177 (2019), 626-650.
  12. D. Buraczewski, P. Dyszewski, A. Iksanov, A. Marynych, and A. Roitershtein, Random walks in a moderately sparse random environment,
    Electron. J. Probab. 24 (2019), paper no. 69.
  13. I. Ben-Ari, A. Roitershtein, and R. B. Schinazi, A random walk with catastrophes,
    Electron. J. Probab. 24 (2019), paper no. 28.
  14. O. Angel, A. Matzavinos, and A. Roitershtein, Limit theorem for the Robin Hood game,
    Statist. Probab. Lett. 149 (2019), 9-15.
  15. C. Bowman, K. Larson, A. Roitershtein, D. Stein, and A. Matzavinos, Bayesian uncertainty quantification for particle-based simulation of lipid bilayer membranes,
    In Cell Movement: Modeling and Applications, M. Stolarska and N. Tarfulea (eds.), Springer, 2018, 77-102.
  16. T. Chumley, O. Aydogmus, A. Matzavinos, and A. Roitershtein, Moran-type bounds for the fixation probability in a frequency-dependent Wright-Fisher model,
    J. Math. Biol. 76 (2018), 1-35.
  17. A. Roitershtein and Z. Zhou, Relative growth of the partial sums of certain random Fibonacci-like sequences,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl. 23 (2017), 1913-1928.
  18. E. Carroll, A. P. Ghosh, X. H. Nguyen, and A. Roitershtein, Iterated Routh's triangles,
    J. Geom. Graph. 21 (2017), 141-156.
  19. A. P. Ghosh, S. Noren, and A. Roitershtein, On the range of the transient frog model on Z,
    Adv. in Appl. Probab. 49 (2017), 327-343.
  20. A. Matzavinos, A. Roitershtein, and Y. Seol, Random walks in a sparse random environment,
    Electron. J. Probab. 21 (2016), paper no. 72.
  21. A. P. Ghosh, A. Roitershtein, and W. Qin, Discrete-time Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in a stationary dynamic environment,
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 19 (2016), 1-19.
  22. O. Aydogmus, A. P. Ghosh, S. Ghosh, and A. Roitershtein, Colored maximal branching process,
    Theory Probab. Appl. 59 (2015), 663-672.
  23. A. P. Ghosh, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, On a directionally reinforced random walk,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 3269-3283.
  24. I. Ben-Ari, D. Hay, and A. Roitershtein, On Wallis-type products and Polya's urn schemes,
    Amer. Math. Monthly 121 (2014), 422-432.
  25. K. Jungjaturapit, T. Pluta, R. Rastegar, A. Roitershtein, M. Temba, C. N. Vidden, and B. Wu, Trading cookies in a gambler's ruin scenario,
    Involve 6 (2013), 191-220.
  26. R. Basu and A. Roitershtein, Divergent perpetuities modulated by regime switches,
    Stoch. Models 29 (2013), 129-148.
  27. A. Roitershtein and Z. Zhong, On random coefficient INAR(1) processes,
    Sci. China Math. 56 (2013), 177-200.
  28. R. Rastegar, A. Roitershtein, V. Roytershteyn, and J. Suh, Discrete-time Langevin motion in a Gibbs potential,
    Applied Mathematics 3 (2012), 2032-2037.
  29. I. Ben-Ari, K. Boushaba, A. Matzavinos, and A. Roitershtein, Stochastic analysis of the motion of DNA nanomechanical bipeds,
    Bull. Math. Biol. 73 (2011), 1932-1951.
  30. A. P. Ghosh, E. Kleiman, and A. Roitershtein, Large deviation bounds for functionals of Viterbi paths,
    IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 57 (2011), 3932-3937.
  31. I. Ben-Ari, A. Matzavinos, and A. Roitershtein, On a species survival model,
    Elect. Commun. Probab. 16 (2011), 226-233.
  32. D. Hay, R. Rastegar, and A. Roitershtein, Multivariate linear recursions with Markov-dependent coefficients,
    J. Multivariate Anal.
    102 (2011), 521-527.
  33. A. P. Ghosh, D. Hay, V. Hirpara, R. Rastegar, A. Roitershtein, A. Schulties, and J. Suh, Random linear recursions with dependent coefficients,
    Statist. Probab. Lett. 80 (2010), 1597-1605.
  34. A. P. Ghosh, A. Roitershtein, and A. Weerasinghe, Optimal control of a stochastic processing system driven by a fractional Brownian motion input,
    Adv. in Appl. Probab.
    42 (2010), 183-209.
  35. I. Ben-Ari, M. Merle, and A. Roitershtein, A random walk on Z with drift driven by its occupation time at zero,
    Stochastic Process. Appl. 119 (2009), 2682-2710.
  36. A. Roirtershtein, Transient random walks on a strip in a random environment,
    Ann. Probab. 36 (2008), 2354-2387.
  37. A. Roirtershtein, A note on multitype branching processes with immigration in a random environment,
    Ann. Probab. 35 (2007), 1573-1592.
  38. A. Roirtershtein, One-dimensional linear recursions with Markov-dependent coefficients,
    Ann. Appl. Probab. 17 (2007), 572-608.
  39. A. Roitershtein, A log-scale limit theorem for one-dimensional random walks in random environments,
    Electron. Commun. Probab. 10 (2005), 244-253.
  40. E. Mayer-Wolf, A. Roitershtein, and O. Zeitouni, Limit theorems for one-dimensional transient random walks in Markov environments,
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 40 (2004), 635-659.
  41. A. Ben-Hur, H. T. Siegelmann, and A. Roitershtein, On probabilistic analog automata,
    Theoret. Comput. Sci. 320 (2004), 449-464.
  42. A. Ben-Hur, H. T. Siegelmann, and A. Roitershtein, Noisy Neural Networks and Generalizations.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12: Proceedings of the 1999 Conference, S. A Solla, T. K. Leen, and K.-R. Müller (eds.), MIT Press, 2000, 335-341.