List of my research papers/ list of my research papers available online

Only my papers written in TEX are available online and in pdf form. For other papers or other formats please contact me at The online publications below are NOT necessarily authoritative nor necessarily final versions. They are listed in reverse chronological order of writing.

  • [149] Erdélyi, T., The number of real zeros of polynomials with constrained coefficients, in: Recent Advances in Approximation and Potential Theory, and Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: In Honor of Edward B. Saff's 80th Birthday, A. Stokolos, et al. (Eds.), Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, (2025).
  • [148] Erdélyi, T., Extensions of the Bloch-Pólya theorem on the number of real zeros of polynomials (II), J. Approx. Theory 306 (2025), 106122, 7 pp.
  • [147] Erdélyi, T., The Lq norm of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials on subarcs of the unit circle, in: Essays in Analytic Number Theory: In Honor of Helmut Maier's 70th Birthday, J. Friedlander, C. Pomerance, and M. Th. Rassias (Eds.), Springer, Cham (2025)
  • [146] Erdélyi, T., J. Rosenblatt, and R. Rosenblatt, Asymptotic directions for the zero sets of the components of an electrical field from a finite number of point charges on the plane , manuscript (preliminary version).
  • [145] Erdélyi, T., J. Rosenblatt, and R. Rosenblatt, The zero set of an electric field from a finite number of point charges: one, two, and three dimensions , manuscript.
  • [144] Erdélyi, T., On the oscillation of the modulus of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials around the middle of their ranges , submitted.
  • [143] Erdélyi, T., C. Musco, and Ch. Musco, Fourier sparse leverage scores and approximate kernel learning , in: NIPS'20: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems December 2020 Article No.: 10 Pages 109-122.
  • [142] Erdélyi, T., Do flat skew-reciprocal Littlewood polynomials exist? , Constr. Approx. 56 (2022), 537-554.
  • [141] Erdélyi, T., On the multiplicity of the zeros of polynomials with constrained coefficients, in: Approximation Theory and Analytic Inequalities, Th. Rassias (Ed.), 165-177 Springer, Cham, (2021).
  • [140] Erdélyi, T., Functions with identical Lq norms , J. Approx. Theory 257 (2020), 105454, 5 pp.
  • [139] Erdélyi, T., Turán-type reverse Markov inequalities for polynomials with restricted zeros , Constr. Approx. 54 (2021), no. 1, 35-48.
  • [138] Erdélyi, T., Arestov's theorems on Bernstein's inequality , J. Approx. Theory 250 (2020), 105323, 9 pp.
  • [137] Erdélyi, T., Recent progress in the study of polynomials with constrained coefficients , in: Trigonometric Sums and their Applications, A. Raigorodskii, and M. Th. Rassias (Eds.), 29-69, Springer, Cham, (2020).
  • [136] Erdélyi, T., Reverse Markov- and Bernstein-type inequalities for incomplete polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 251 (2020), 105341, 10 pp.
  • [135] Erdélyi, T., The sharp Remez-type inequality for even trigonometric polynomials on the period , in: "Topics in Classical and Modern Analysis. In memory of Yingkang Hu", 135-145, Springer, Cham, (2019).
  • [134] Erdélyi, T., The asymptotic distance between an ultraflat unimodular polynomial and its conjugate reciprocal , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 374 (2021), no. 5, 3077-3091.
  • [133] Erdélyi, T., Improved results on the oscillation of the modulus of Rudin-Shapiro polynomials on the unit circle , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 2733-2740 .
  • [132] Allouche, J.-P., K.-K. S. Choi, A. Denise, T. Erdélyi, and B. Saffari, Bounds on autocorrelation coefficients of Rudin-Shapiro polynomials , Anal. Math. 45 (2019), no. 4, 705-726.
  • [131] Erdélyi, T., The asymptotic value of the Mahler measure of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials , J. Anal. Math. 142 (2020), no. 2, 521–537.
  • [130] Erdélyi, T., Improved lower bound for the number of unimodular zeros of self-reciprocal polynomials with coefficients from a finite set , Acta Arith. 192 (2020), no. 2, 189-210.
  • [129] Erdélyi, T., Improved lower bound for the Mahler measure of the Fekete polynomials , Constr. Approx. 48 (2018), no. 2, 283-299.
  • [128] Erdélyi, T., On the oscillation of the modulus of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials on the unit circle , Mathematika 66 (2020), 144-160.
  • [127] Erdélyi, T., Markov-type inequalities for products of Müntz polynomials revisited , Progress in Approximation Theory and Applicable Complex Analysis, in memory of Q.I. Rahman: Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Narendra Kumar Govil & Ram Mohapatra & Mohammed A. Qazi & Gerhard Schmeisser (Eds.), 19-39, Springer, Cham, (2017). .hidden {
  • [126] Erdélyi, T., On the number of unimodular zeros of self-reciprocal polynomials with coefficients from a finite set , Acta Arith. 176 (2016), no. 2, 177-200.}
  • [126*] Erdélyi, T., On the number of unimodular zeros of self-reciprocal polynomials with coefficients from a finite set , Acta Arith. 176 (2016), no. 2, 177-200.
  • [125] Erdélyi, T., Inequalities for exponential sums , (Russian) Mat. Sbornik 208 (2017), no. 3, 132-164; translation in Sb. Math. 208 (2017), no. 3-4, 433-464
  • [124] Erdélyi, T., Flatness of conjugate reciprocal unimodular polynomials , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 432 (2015) no. 2, 699-714.
  • [123] Erdélyi, T., Inequalities for Lorentz polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 192 (2015), 297-305.
  • [122] Erdélyi, T., M. Ganzburg, and P. Nevai, M. Riesz-Schur-type inequality for entire functions of exponential type , (Russian) Mat. Sbornik 206 (2015) no. 1, 29-38; translation in Sbornik Math. 206 (2015) no. 1-2, 24-32.
  • [121] Choi, K.-K. S., and T. Erdélyi, On a problem of Bourgain concerning the norms of exponential sums , Math. Z. 279 (2015) no. 1-2, 577-584.
  • [120] Choi, K.-K. S., and T. Erdélyi, On the average Mahler measures of Littlewood polynomials , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B: 1 (2014), 105-120.
  • [119] Erdélyi, T., and P. Nevai, On the derivatives of unimodular polynomials , (Russian) Mat. Sbornik 207 (2016) no. 4, 123-142; translation in Sbornik Math. 207 (2016) no. 3-4, 590-609
  • [118] Choi, K.-K. S., and T. Erdélyi, Sums of monomials with large Mahler measure , J. Approx. Theory 197 (2015), 49-61.
  • [117] Erdélyi, T., Coppersmith-Rivlin type inequalities and the order of vanishing of polynomials at $1$ Acta Arith. 172 (2016), no. 3, 271-284.
  • [116] Erdélyi, T., D. Hardin, and E. Saff, Inverse Bernstein inequalities and min-max-min problems on the unit circle , Mathematika 61 (2015) no. 3, 581-590.
  • [115] Erdélyi, T., The Mahler measure of the Rudin-Shapiro polynomials , Constr. Approx. 43 (2016) no. 3, 357-369.
  • [114] Borwein, P., T. Erdélyi, and G. Kós, The multiplicity of the zero at $1$ of polynomials with constrained coefficients , Acta Arith., 159, 2013, 387-395.
  • [113] Erdélyi, T., and E. Saff, Riesz polarization inequalities in higher dimension , J. Approx. Theory 171 (2013), 128-147.
  • [112] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, A note on Barker polynomials , Int. J. Number Theory 9 (2013), 759-767.
  • [111] Erdélyi, T., Basic polynomial inequalities on intervals and circular arcs , Constr. Approx. 39 (2014), 367-384.
  • [110] Erdélyi, T., Pseudo-Boolean functions and the multiplicity of the zeros of polynomials , J. Anal. Math. 127 (2015) no. 1, 91-108.
  • [109] G.Ambrus, K. Ball, and T. Erdélyi, Chebyshev constants for the unit circle , Bull. London Math. Soc. 45 (2013), 236-248.
  • [108] Khodjasteh, K., T. Erdélyi, and L. Viola, Limits on preserving quantum coherence using multipulse control , Phys. Rev. A 83, 020305(R) (2011).
  • [107] Erdélyi, T., K. Khodjasteh, and L. Viola, The size of exponential sums on intervals of the real line , Constr. Approx., 35, (2012), 123-136.
  • [106] Erdélyi, T., Upper bounds for the Lp norm of the Fekete polynomials on subarcs , Acta Arith., 153 (2012), 387-395.
  • [105] Erdélyi, T., On the Lp norm of cyclotomic Littlewood polynomials on the unit circle , Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.,151 (2011) No. 2, 373-384.
  • [104] Erdélyi, T., Sieve-type lower bounds for the Mahler measure of polynomials on subarcs , Computational Methods and Function Theory, 11 (2011), No. 1, 213-228.
  • [103] Erdélyi, T., Markov-Nikolskii type inequality for absolutely monotone polynomials of order k , J. Anal. Math., 112 (2010), No. 1, 369-381.
  • [102] Erd&eacunte;lyi, T., Orthogonality and the maximum of Littlewood cosine polynomials , Acta Arith., 146 (2011), 215-231.
  • [101] Erdélyi, T., George Lorentz and inequalities in approximation , Algebra i Analiz 21 (2009), 1-57; translation in St. Petersburg Math. J. 21. (2010), 365-405.
  • [*] Erdélyi, T., The largest multiplicity a zero of a Littlewood polynomial can have at $1$ , Monthly problem 11437, 116 (2009) no. 5, 464.
  • [100] Erdélyi, T., Extensions of the Bloch-Pólya theorem on the number of real zeros of polynomials , Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 20 (2008), no. 2, 281-287.
  • [99] Erdélyi, T., An improvement of the Erdős-Turán theorem on the zero distribution of polynomials , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 346 (2008), no. 5-6, 267-270.
  • [98] Erdélyi, T., The Remez inequality for linear combinations of shifted Gaussians, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 146 (2009), 523-530.
  • [97] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Lower bounds for the number of zeros of cosine polynomials in the period: a problem of Littlewood, Acta Arith. 128 (2007) no. 4, 377-384.
  • [96] Erdélyi, T., Newman's inequality for increasing exponential sums , in: Proceedings of the Conference on "Number Theory and Polynomials", held in Bristol, UK, April 3-7, 2006, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes, Cambridge University Press, J. McKee , Ch. Smyth (Eds.) 2008.
  • [*] Erdélyi, T., and F. Beaucoup, On the uniqueness of the solution of some polynomial equations , Monthly problem 11226, 113 (2006) no. 5, 460.
  • [*] Erdélyi, T., and F. Beaucoup, On the uniqueness of the solution of some polynomial equations , Monthly problem 11226, 113 (2006) no. 5, 460.
  • [95] Erdélyi, T., On the denseness of certain function spaces spanned by products , J. Funct. Anal. 238 (2006), 463-470.
  • [94] Borwein, P., T. Erdélyi, R. Ferguson, and R. Lockhart, On the zeros of cosine polynomials: solution to an old problem of Littlewood , Ann. Math. (2) 167 (2008), no. 3, 1109-1117.
  • [93] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Nikolskii-type inequalities for shift invariant function spaces , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), no. 11, 3243-3246.
  • [92] Borwein, P., T. Erdélyi., and F. Littmann, Polynomials with finitely many different coefficients , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 10, 5145-5154.
  • [90] Erdélyi, T., Inequalities for exponential sums via interpolation and Turán-type reverse Markov inequalities , in: "Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation", dedicated to the memory of Ambikeshwar Sharma, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Taylor & Francis, New York, N.K. Govil, H.N. Mhaskar, Ram Mohapatra, Zuhair Nashed, J. Szabados (Eds.), 2006, 119-144.
  • [89] Erdélyi, T., Markov-Nikolskii type inequalities for exponential sums on a finite interval , Adv. Math., 208 (2007), no. 1, 135-146.
  • [88] Erdélyi, T., and D.S. Lubinsky, Large sieve inequalities via subharmonic methods and the Mahler measure of Fekete polynomials , Canad. J. Math. 59 (2007), no. 4, 730-741.
  • [87] Erdélyi, T., Sharp Bernstein-type inequalities for linear combinations of shifted Gaussians , Bull. London Math. Soc. 38 (2006), 124-138.
  • [86] Erdélyi, T., The full Müntz Theorem revisited , Constr. Approx. 21 (2005), no. 3, 319-335.
  • [85] Erdélyi, T., The uniform closure of non-dense rational spaces on the unit interval , J. Approx. Theory 131 (2004), no. 2, 149-156.
  • [84] Benko, D., and T. Erdélyi, Markov inequality for polynomials of degree n with m distinct zeros , J. Approx. Theory 122 (2003), no. 2, 241-248.
  • [83] is followed by H. Friedman, The number of certain integral polynomials and nonrecursive sets of integers, Part 2 , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.. 357 (2005) no. 3, 1013-1023.
  • [83] Erdélyi, T., and H. Friedman, The number of certain integral polynomials and nonrecursive sets of integers, Part 1 , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), no. 3, 999-1011.
  • [82] Erdélyi, T., Extremal properties of the derivatives of the Newman polynomials , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 10, 3129-3134.
  • [81] Erdélyi, T., The "full Clarkson-Erdős-Schwartz Theorem" on the closure of non-dense Müntz spaces , Studia Math. 155 (2003), no. 2, 145-152.
  • [80] Benko, D., T. Erdélyi, and J. Szabados, The full Markov-Newman inequality for Müntz polynomials on positive intervals , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003) no. 8, 2385-2391.
  • [79] Erdélyi, T., and A. Kroó, Markov-type inequalities on certain irrational arcs and domains , J. Approx. Theory 130 (2004), 113-124.
  • [78] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Lower bounds for the merit factors of trigonometric polynomials from Littlewood classes , J. Approx. Theory 125 (2003), no. 2, 190-197.
  • [77] Erdélyi, T., On the real part of ultraflat sequences of unimodular polynomials , Math. Ann. 326 (2003) no. 3, 489-498.
  • [76] Erdélyi, T., and J. Szabados, On a generalization of the Bernstein-Markov inequality , Algebra i Analiz 14 (2002), no. 4, 36-53; translation in St. Petersburg Math. J. (2003), no. 4, 563-576.
  • [75] Erdélyi, T., Proof of Saffari's near orthogonality conjecture for ultraflat sequences of unimodular polynomials , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 333 (2001), 623-628.
  • [74] Erdélyi, T., Extremal properties of polynomials , in A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the XXth Century, János Horváth (Ed.). Springer, New York, 2005, 119-156, ISBN 3-540-28945-3.
  • [73] Erdélyi, T., Markov and Bernstein type inequality for trigonometric polynomials with respect to doubling weights on [−ω,ω] , Constr. Approx. 19 (2003) no 3, 329-338.
  • [72] Erdélyi, T., The norm of the polynomial truncation operator on the unit circle and on [−1,1] , Colloquium Math. 90 (2001), 287-293.
  • [71] Erdélyi, T., The phase problem of ultraflat unimodular polynomials: the resolution of the conjecture of Saffari , Math. Ann. 321 (2001), 905-924.
  • [70] Erdélyi, T., The resolution of Saffari's phase problem , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 331 (2000), 803-808.
  • [69] Erdélyi, T., Polynomials with Littlewood-type coefficient constraints , Approximation Theory X: Abstract and Classical Analysis, Charles K. Chui, Larry L. Schumaker, and Joachim Stöckler (Eds.), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, 2002, 153-196, ISBN 0-8265-1415-4.
  • [68] Erdélyi, T., How far is an ultraflat sequence of unimodular polynomials from being conjugate-reciprocal? , Michigan Math. J. 49 (2001), 259-264.
  • [67] Erdélyi, T., and J. Szabados, Bernstein inequalities for polynomials with constrained roots , Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68 (2002), no. 3-4, 937-952, corrected reprint of Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68 (2002), no. 1-2, 163-178.
  • [66a] Erdélyi, T., Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for polynomials under Erdös-type constraints , Paul Erdös and his Mathematics I, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 11, Gábor Halász, László Lovász, Dezsö Miklós, and Vera T. Sós (Eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, NY, 2002, 219-239, ISBN 3-540-42236-6.
  • [66b] Erdélyi, T., Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for polynomials under Erdös-type constraints (extended abstract) , Paul Erdös and his Mathematics, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, July 4-11, 1999, Budapest, Hungary
  • [65] Erdélyi, T., On the equation a(a+d)(a+2d)(a+3d)=x2 , Amer. Math. Monthly 107 (2000), 166-169.
  • [64] Erdélyi, T., and W.B. Johnson, The "Full Müntz Theorem" in Lp[0,1] for p ∈ (0,∞) , J. Anal. Math. 84 (2001), 145-172.
  • [63] Erdélyi, T., On the zeros of polynomials with Littlewood-type coefficient constraints , Michigan Math. J. 49 (2001), 97-111.
  • [62] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Trigonometric polynomials with many real zeros and a Littlewood-type problem , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (2001), 725-730.
  • [61] Erdélyi, T., A. Kroó, and J. Szabados, Markov-Bernstein type inequalities on compact subsets of R , Anal. Math. 26 (2000), 17-34
  • [60] Erdélyi, T., Markov- and Bernstein-type inequalities for Müntz polynomials and exponential sums in Lp , J. Approx. Theory 104 (2000), 142-152.
  • [59] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Markov-Bernstein type inequalities under Littlewood-type coefficient constraints , Indag. Math. 11(2) (2000), 159-172.
  • [58] Borwein, P., W. Dykshoorn, T. Erdélyi, and J. Zhang, Orthogonality and irrationality , Its content was incorporated in my book entitled ``Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities'' written jointly with Peter Borwein.
  • [57] Erdélyi, T., Markov-type inequalities for products of Müntz polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 112 (2001), 171-188.
  • [56] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Remez- and Nikolskii-type ineaqualities for exponential sums , Math. Ann. 300 (2000), 39-60.
  • [55] Erdélyi, T., Notes on inequalities with doubling weights , J. Approx. Theory 100 (1999), 60-72.
  • [54] Borwein, P., T. Erdélyi, and G. Kós, Littlewood-type problems on [0,1] , Proc. London Math. Soc. 79 (3) (1999), 22-46.
  • [53] Erdélyi, T., Markov-type inequalities for constrained polynomials with complex coefficients , Illinois J. Math. 42 (1998), 544-563.
  • [52] Erdélyi, T., and P. Vértesi, In Memoriam: Paul Erdős (1913-1996) , J. Approx. Theory 94 (1998), no. 1, 1-41.
  • [51] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Müntz's Theorem on compact subsets of positive measure , in Approximation Theory: in Memory of A.K. Varma, Govil et al. (Eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1998), 115-131.
  • [50] Erdélyi, T., Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for constrained polynomials with real versus complex coefficients , J. Anal. Math. 74 (1998), 165-181.
  • [49] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Littlewood-type problems on subarcs of the unit circle , Indiana Univ. Math. J. 46 (1997), 1323-1346
  • [48] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Remez-type inequalities for non-dense Müntz spaces with explicit bounds , J. Approx. Theory. 93 (1998), 450-457.
  • [47] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, On the zeros of polynomials with restricted coefficients , Illinois J. Math. 41 (1997), 667-675.
  • [46] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Markov- and Bernstein-type inequalities for polynomials with restricted coefficients , Ramanujan J. 1 (1997), 309-323.
  • [45] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Generalizations of Müntz'sTheorem via a Remez-type inequality for Müntz spaces , J. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (1997), 327-329.
  • [44] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Sharp extensions of Bernstein's inequality to rational spaces , Mathematika 43 (1996), 413-423.
  • [43] Erdélyi, T., and P. Nevai, Lower bounds for the derivatives of polynomials and Remez-type inequalities , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 4953-4972.
  • [42] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Newman's inequality for Müntz polynomials on positive intervals , J. Approx. Theory 85 (1996), 132-139.
  • [41] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Questions about polynomials with {0,−1,+1} coefficients , Constr. Approx. 12 (1996), 439-442.
  • [40] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, A sharp Bernstein-type inequality for exponential sums , J. Reine Angew. Math. 476 (1996), 127-141.
  • [39] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, The full Müntz Theorem in C[0,1] and L1[0,1] , J. London Math. Soc. 54 (1996), 102-110.
  • [38] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, The integer Chebyshev problem , Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 661-681
  • [37] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, The Lp version of Newman's inequality for Müntz polynomials , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 101-109.
  • [36] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Upper bounds for the derivative of exponential sums , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), 1481-1486.
  • [35] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Dense Markov spaces and unbounded Bernstein inequalities , J. Approx. Theory 81 (1995), 66-77.
  • [34] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Müntz spaces and Remez inequalities , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1995), 38-42.
  • [33] Erdélyi, T., A. Magnus, and P. Nevai, Generalized Jacobi weights, Christoffel functions, and Jacobi polynomials , SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), 602-614.
  • [32] Borwein, P., T., Erdélyi, and J. Zhang, Chebyshev polynomials and Bernstein-Markov type inequalities for rational spaces , J. London Math. Soc. 50 (1994), 501-519.
  • [31] Borwein, P., T. Erdélyi, and J. Zhang, Müntz systems and orthogonal Müntz-Legendre polynomials , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 342 (1994), 523-542.
  • [30] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Bernstein type inequalities on subsets of [−1,1] and [−π,π] , Acta Math. Hungar., 65 (1994), 189-194.
  • [29] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Markov and Bernstein type inequalities in Lp for classes of polynomials with constraints , J. London Math. Soc. 51 (1995), 573-588.
  • [28] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for classes of polynomials with restricted zeros , Constr. Approx., 10 (1994), 411-425.
  • [27] Erdélyi, T., J. Geronimo, P. Nevai, and J. Zhang, A simple proof of ``Favard's Theorem'' on the unit circle , in: Proc. Int'l Conf. on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, XXXIX, 1991, 551-556.
  • [26] Erdélyi, T., X. Li, and E.B. Saff, Remez- and Nikolskii-type inequalities for logarithmic potentials , SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), 365-383.
  • [25] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Lacunary Müntz systems, J. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 47 (1993), 361-374.
  • [24] Erdélyi, T., Remez-type inequalities and their applications, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 47 (1993), 167-210.
  • [23] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Remez-, Nikolskii-, and Markov-type inequalities for generalized nonnegative polynomials with restricted zeros, Constr. Approx. 8 (1992), 343-362.
  • [22] Erdélyi, T., and P. Nevai, Generalized Jacobi weights, Christoffel functions and zeros of orthogonal polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 68 (1992), 111-132.
  • [21] Erdélyi, T., Weighted Markov and Bernstein type inequalities for generalized non-negative polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 68 (1992), 283-305.
  • [20] Erdélyi, T., A Máté, and P. Nevai, Inequalities for generalized nonnegative polynomials , Constr. Approx. 8 (1992), 241-255.
  • [19] Erdélyi, T., Remez-type inequalities on the size of generalized polynomials , J. London Math. Soc. 45 (1992), 255-264.
  • [18] Erdélyi, T., Estimates for the Lorentz degree of polynomials , J. Approx. Theory, 67 (1991), 187-198.
  • [17] Erdélyi, T., Bernstein-type inequality for the derivative of constrained polynomials , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1991), 829-838.
  • [16] Borwein, P., and T. Erdélyi, Notes on lacunary Müntz polynomials , Israel J. Math. 76 (1991), 183-192.
  • [15] Erdélyi, T., Bernstein and Markov type theorems for generalized nonnegative polynomials , Canad. J. Math. 43 (1991), 1-11.
  • [14] Erdélyi, T., Nikolskii-type inequalities for generalized polynomials and zeros of orthogonal polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 67 (1991), 80-92.
  • [13] Erdélyi, T., A sharp Remez inequality on the size of constrained polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 63 (1990), 335-337.
  • [12] Erdélyi, T., Markov and Bernstein type inequalities for certain classes of constrained trigonometric polynomials on an interval shorter than the period, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 25 (1990), 3-25.
  • [11] Erdélyi, T., " A Markov-type inequality for the derivatives of constrained polynomials , J. Approx. Theory 63 (1990), 321-334.
  • [10] Erdélyi, T., Weighted Markov-type estimates for the derivatives of constrained polynomials on [0,∞), J. Approx. Theory 58 (1989), 213-231.
  • [9] Erdélyi, T., Markov-type estimates for certain classes of constrained polynomials , Constr. Approx. 5 (1989), 347-356.
  • [8] Erdélyi, T., and J. Szabados, On trigonometric polynomials with positive coefficients, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 24 (1989), 71-91.
  • [7] Erdélyi, T., and J. Szabados, Bernstein-type inequalities for a class of polynomials,, Acta Math. Hungar. 52 (1989), 237-251.
  • [6] Erdélyi, T., Markov-type estimates for the derivatives of constrained polynomials, Approx. Theory Appl. 4 (1988), 23-33.
  • [5] Erdélyi, T., and J. Szabados On polynomials with positive coefficients , J. Approx. Theory, 54 (1988), 107-122.
  • [4] Erdélyi, T., Markov-type estimates for derivatives of polynomials of special type , Acta Math. Hungar. 51 (1988), 421-436
  • [3] Erdélyi, T., Pointwise estimates for the derivatives of a polynomial with real zeros Acta Math. Hungar. 49 (1987), 219-235.
  • [2] Erdélyi, T., The Remez inequality on the size of polynomials, in: Approximation Theory VI, Vol. I (College Station, TX, 1989), C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, and J.D. Ward (Eds.), Academic Press, Boston, MA, 1989, 243-246.
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